EU-Japan summit, 13 July 2023

EU NEWS 122/2023

The President of the European Council, Charles Michel, and the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, representing the EU, met Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida at the 29th EU-Japan summit in Brussels.

The EU and Japan expressed satisfaction with the progress made in their bilateral relations and committed to working together to :

  • promote peace, security, the rule of law and democratic values
  • ensure prosperity and economic security
  • foster human-centric digitalisation
  • tackle climate change
  • achieve sustainable development
  • enhance health security

Japan is the EU’s closest strategic partner in the Indo-Pacific region.

Peace, security and the rule of law

The security of Europe and the security of the Indo-Pacific are closely interlinked.
The EU and Japan remain resolute in their support for Ukraine and their opposition to Russia’s war of aggression.
The EU and Japan condemned North Korea’s ongoing development of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, in violation of the UN Security Council resolutions.
EU and Japanese leaders also stand prepared to build constructive and stable relations with China

In view of unprecedented challenges to peace and security, EU and Japanese leaders agreed to further develop their security partnership, which will promote increased cooperation on, inter alia:

  • maritime security
  • cybersecurity
  • hybrid threats
  • counter-terrorism
  • disarmament
  • non-proliferation


Economic security and trade

EU and Japanese leaders agreed to strengthen cooperation on economic resilience and security.

We stress the need to enhance our dialogue and cooperation on economic resilience and security in order to defend our interests globally while preserving an open economy.
The EU and Japan recognised the importance of fully implementing the EU-Japan free trade agreement for the benefit of their citizens and businesses.
Since the entry into force of the economic partnership agreement (EPA) in 2018:

  • trade in goods: +20%
  • agri-food trade: +34%

Japan welcomed the EU’s decision on lifting of the import restriction measures on food products from the Fukushima region, taken in the wake of the 2011 Japan earthquake.

Digital partnership

EU and Japanese leaders agreed to accelerate cooperation on the digital transformation.

Since the launch of the EU-Japan digital partnership in May 2022, work is ongoing in the strategic areas of:

  • semiconductors
  • high-performance computing and quantum technology
  • 5G and beyond
  • resilient digital connectivity

EU and Japanese leaders also encouraged international discussion on artificial intelligence (AI) governance with a view to achieving trustworthy AI.


Energy and green transitions

The EU and Japan reiterated their common goal of net-zero by 2050 at the latest in order to keep the limit of 1.5°C within reach.

Under their green alliance, EU and Japanese leaders agreed to step up work on the energy transition by cooperating in areas such as:

  • energy efficiency
  • low-carbon and renewable hydrogen
  • offshore renewable energy
  • carbon capture, utilisation and recycling

The EU and Japan will also work together to:

  • promote resource efficiency and a circular economy
  • deliver a legally binding instrument on plastic pollution by the end of 2024
  • develop secure and transparent global liquefied natural gas (LNG) markets
  • fight illegal fishing


Sustainable development

EU and Japanese leaders welcomed results over the past year and look forward to further cooperation on concrete connectivity projects, under their partnership on sustainable connectivity and quality infrastructure.
These joint projects should be aimed at creating sustainable and inclusive growth in partner countries.

Health security

EU and Japanese leaders committed to working together on:

  • enhancing health security, including through strengthening the global health architecture
  • achieving universal health coverage
  • ensuring the conclusion of the negotiation of an international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response


Original European Commission press release:


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- EU-Japan Summit: Commission lifts the Fukushima restrictions on food imports

- EU and Japan boost strategic cooperation on digital and on critical raw materials supply chains