Both the EU and Japan benefit by the sharing and pooling of academic knowledge, expertise, ideas and exchange of students. The EU Delegation in Tokyo supports this flow of knowledge, as well as helping Japanese students to learn about studying in Europe, by offering access to and information on EU programmes.

Collaboration of European and Japanese Universities

European and Japanese universities have been collaborating for some time under established programmes such as Erasmus Mundus, whilst the current EU programme for education, Erasmus+, provides new and exciting opportunities to Japanese and EU universities and students to work together. The Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence, based at prestigious Japanese universities, promote academic exchange and EU studies in both Tokyo and the regions.  Europe is an ideal study abroad location for Japanese students, and the annual European Higher Education Fair provides students with information on many different options Europe has to offer. 

Erasmus Plus

Erasmus+ (2021-2027)

Supporting EU-Japan Higher Educational Exchange under Erasmus+

Erasmus+ is the EU's flagship education initiative that offers opportunities to Japanese higher education institutions to engage with European counterparts as part of higher education mobility and cooperation projects. The three types of project that are of particular relevance to universities in Japan are Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM), International Credit Mobility (ICM), and Jean Monnet Activities.

Under Erasmus+, Japanese universities can become full or associate partners with European universities in Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (double degree programmes are also possible), similar to the way in which several universities already offer joint programmes, established under Erasmus Mundus, the forerunner to Erasmus +.

Japanese students can also apply as individuals to take part in joint master programmes and study in Europe in at least 2 different countries. 

EU-Japan Joint Master Degree Programmes

A new EU-Japan Joint Master Degree programme scheme was launched at the time of the first EU-Japan policy dialogue on education, culture, and sport in July 2018.  As a result of the first call for proposals, three new EU-Japan Joint Master Degree programmes were selected in July 2019.

-History in the Public Sphere

Lead institutions: Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Central European University

-Erasmus MundusJapan - Master ofScience inImaging and Lightin ExtendedReality

Lead institutions: Toyohashi Institute of Technology, University of Eastern Finland

-Japan-EuropeMaster onAdvancedRobotics

Lead institutions: Keio University, Ecole Centrale de Nantes

Non-European students can apply for a grant to study at a partner institution in Europe for a period of 2-12 months. Students can earn credits at their host university, which will be recognised by their home university, without paying any extra fees. University staff and academics can also receive a grant to spend 5 days to 2 months at partner institutions in Europe, to deliver teaching or training.  Between 2015-2021 well over 2000 students and staff have taken part in periods of study, training, or teaching in Japan or Europe as part of ICM partnerships between European and Japanese universities.

The EU supports excellence in teaching and research on the European Union worldwide through the Jean Monnet initiative. Japanese universities may apply for funding to set up individual courses on the EU (Jean Monnet Modules), or to establish focused EU research and teaching centres (Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence) or networks (Jean Monnet Network)  Individual scholars can also apply for funding to support their teaching and research on the EU (Jean Monnet Chair).

There are currently two Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence active in Japan, operating with the support of the Erasmus+ programme:

-Kobe University Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence

-Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence-Kyushu (based at Kyushu University)

There is also an active Jean Monnet Centre for EU Studies at Keio University.

Erasmus+ Call for Proposals 2023

Opportunities for Japanese higher education institutions and academics

The Erasmus+ 2023 call for proposals is scheduled to be launched in October 2022. For reference purposes details on the opportunities available can be found in the the 2022 Erasmus+ Programme Guide (English only)

Promoting Excellence

Promoting excellence in EU studies through the EU Institutes in Japan initiative

The EU Institute in Japan initiative, running successfully from 2004-2017 promoted academic cooperation between Japan and Europe in European political science, law, economics, environment and medicine. They established EU-related courses, with scholarships available to undergraduate and postgraduate students. Visiting professors from Europe give special lectures and Japanese and European universities undertake joint research and academic exchange.

During the course of the EUIJ initiative, five institutes received funding in Japan: EUIJ Kyushu (a partnership between Kyushu University, Seinan Gakuin University and Fukuoka Women's University) EUIJ Kansai (Kobe University, Osaka University, Kwansei Gakuin University), EUSI Tokyo (Hitotsubashi University, Keio University, Tsuda College), EUIJ Waseda, and EUIJ Tokyo (Hitotsubashi University, International Christian University, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tsuda College).

European Union Studies Association-Japan

Founded in 1980, the purpose of the European Union Studies Association-Japan is to promote studies on the EU through close co-operation with similar academic associations around the world. It has around 500 members, mostly academics, but also including journalists, businessmen, government officials, and lawyers.  The Association organises an annual conference at a different host university each year.

European Higher Education Fair (EHEF)

Europe is a global leader in study programmes for learners of all ages and is a popular destination for students from around the world. The EU Delegation in Tokyo helps to promote Study in Europe, working with EU Member States to organise the annual European Higher Education Fair (EHEF).

The Travel and Study page provides further information on the EHEF and other useful information specifically for students.  

EHEF 2024 will be held on 15-16 June in Tokyo and Kyoto. Applications are now open for institutions interested in exhibiting at EHEF 2024.

EHEF 2024 outline:

Main Organiser:     Delegation of the European Union to Japan

Co-organisers:    German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Hosei University, Doshisha University


  • Tokyo (Saturday 15th June)     12:00-18:00      Venue: Satta Hall, Ichigaya Campus, Hosei University
  • Kyoto (Sunday 16th June)      12:00-18:00     Venue: Ryoshinkan, Imadegawa Campus Doshisha University                   


  • 60-80 exhibitors, a mix of higher education institutions, official agencies, embassies
  • Each exhibitor allocated one website page and one booth per venue.
  • Website with individual pages for each institution launched 6 weeks before event, which prospective students can access to download documents, watch pre-recorded presentations 

Exhibitor Eligibility:

In order to be eligible to exhibit at the EHEF 2024, an institution must be:

-an Embassy or official national education/cultural agency in Japan of one of the EU Member States

-a representative in Japan of an EU initiative or programme (e.g. Erasmus+, Horizon Europe, Vulcanus in Europe)

-an official national education agency in one of the EU Member States

-an officially accredited higher education institution with their headquarters in one of the EU Member States

Target Audience:     University students, high school students, researchers, general public

Number of visitors expected:     Tokyo event 500-1000, Kyoto event 250-500 

Preliminary Application Form (for embassies/agencies/universities):

Submission deadline: Friday 9th February

Following the deadline, co-organisers to approve participation based on participation guidelines outlined in Terms & Conditions. Once participation is approved, institutions will be asked to complete institution details for use on the EHEF website on a separate form.

Participant Terms & Conditions: Please read the Terms & Conditions prior to applying for more detailed information. By applying to attend the institution confirms agreement to abide by the Terms & Conditions.

EHEF Japan

Model European Union (Model EU) Japan

A new initiative led by the Delegation of the EU to Japan, that will see two editions of a Model European Union (MEU) simulation held in 2023 and 2024 alongside academic partners.

Call for Participants

The EU Delegation and Nara Women’s University invite students to participate in the Model European Union (MEU) to be held at Nara Women’s University on 26 October 2024.

Students will take on the role of a representative of one of the member states or of one of the EU institutions and negotiate policy decisions on climate change, gaining a deeper understanding of how the EU works by experiencing a simulated policy decision by the EU Council of Ministers.

Further details here (in Japanese).