EU Military Committee: General Brieger visits Switzerland

General Robert Brieger, the Chairman of the European Union Military Committee travelled to Switzerland on 10 July. The Chairman spent three days in the framework of a working visit to enhance cooperation between the country and the European Union on the military domain.

Main image (left to right): General Robert Brieger, the Chairman of the European Union Military Committee with General Thomas Süssli, the Chief of the Swiss Armed Forces).

General Brieger’s visit included meetings and discussions with high officials on the fields of military, defense and crisis management. The visit was hosted by Lieutenant General Thomas Süssli, the Chief of the Swiss Armed Forces (pictured above with General Brieger).

In the framework of the visit, General Brieger had an office call with Dr Markus A. MÄDER, Swiss State Secretary for Security Policy and had the opportunity to get familiar with the Swiss Special Forces Command and the current state of the forces’ training.

The three days courtesy visit was an opportunity to exchange views and experience on hybrid threats, challenges and the future European outlook within the contested security environment.