2nd Roundtable of the Country Platform of Uzbekistan held with the support of the European Union

4 July 2024. Tashkent, Uzbekistan. – The 2nd Roundtable of Uzbekistan’s Country Platform, supported by the European Union, brought together more than 80 government partners and international institutions to discuss Uzbekistan’s reform agenda and coordinate support activities. The participants agreed to continue collaboration through more than 13 sectoral working groups supporting the priorities of the “Uzbekistan – 2030” Strategy, such as agriculture, energy security, green growth, and the rule of law.

2nd Roundtable of the Country Platform of Uzbekistan held with the support of the European Union

Led by the Agency for Strategic Reforms under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Uzbekistan, with secretarial assistance from the European Union, the Country Platform aims to foster effective coordination. In his opening remarks, Mr. Bakhodir Rakhmatov, Director of the Agency for Strategic Reforms, noted

Constructive collaboration between development partners and government ensures achievement of the priority reform objectives identified by H.E. President Mirziyoyev aimed at creating a more prosperous and sustainable future for all. ASR plays a pivotal role in coordinating the engagement of ministries and agencies with development partners, ensuring the successful implementation of the road map approved by the Resolution of the President #109 as well as fostering effectiveness and accountability in public administration”.

2nd Roundtable of the Country Platform of Uzbekistan held with the support of the European Union

Taking over support functions from the World Bank in May, the European Union committed to assisting the Country Platform until the end of 2025. H.E. Charlotte Adriaen, Ambassador of the European Union to Uzbekistan, noted that

“European Union is honoured to co-chair and promote the Country platform as a forum for open dialogue, cooperation and collaboration between Uzbekistan and development partners. The common goal is to support Uzbekistan in its reform path. The Platform is an opportunity to join forces, to effectively move together bringing prosperity, sustainable development, leaving no one behind.”

At the conclusion of the meeting, the government and development partners agreed to submit work plans to the Secretariat, to ensure regular exchanges of support and information, with the objective of advancing timely reforms for the benefit of people of Uzbekistan.