Ambassador of the European Union to Uzbekistan Charlotte Adriaen

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    EU Ambassador Charlotte Adriaen stands in front of the EU flag

    EU Ambassador Charlotte Adriaen stands in front of the Euoropean Union flag

    Copyright: EU Delegation in Uzbekistan

Message from the Ambassador

Will bring our partnership and cooperation to an even higher level

Assalomu aleykum, 

It is a great honor for me to have taken up my duties as the European Union Ambassador to Uzbekistan. 

During these challenging times, we, my team and I, are ready to work with the Government, to support the forward-looking reform agenda of Uzbekistan. We are working with all our partners, national and international, public and private to support in making these reforms a reality. With our European Union Member States, we stand ready to support the green and digital and the universal values, which we jointly all adhere to. 

I will do my best and look forward to bringing the partnership and cooperation between the Uzbekistan and European Union even deeper. 

Ms. Charlotte Adriaen, Ambassador of the European Union to Uzbekistan.