European Union established relations with Uzbekistan after the country’s independence in 1991. The EU provides millions of euros of financial assistance to Uzbekistan, primarily for promoting economic development. 71 million euros were allocated for 2007-2013 and 168 million euros for 2014-2020. The EU's proposed priority areas and sectors for 2021-2027: effective governance and digital transformation; inclusive, digital and green growth; development of effective eco-friendly agriculture and food sector. 

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    Building with flag EUD Uzbekistan

What we do

Our role is to present, explain and implement the European Union's policy in Uzbekistan, and to analyze and report on the developments in the country.

The EU Delegation: 

  • Represents the European Union in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
  • Ensures local EU Presidency and coordination with Member State embassies.
  • Handles bilateral relations in the areas of political, economic, trade, financial and technical cooperation, in particular, to implement the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement and the European Union's Strategy for Central Asia.
  • Promotes and defends values and interests of the EU.
  • Promotes EU cooperation at a national and regional level (Central Asia).
  • Maintains and increases visibility, awareness and understanding of the EU.

Our office

Find the information about the different sections of the EU Delegation in Uzbekistan.

Head of Delegation 

Ambassador Charlotte ADRIAEN  

Political, Press and Information Section  

Human Rights Defenders Focal Point 

Cooperation Section  

Administrative Section 

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    Our office

Work with us

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Students, professors and academic personnel 

Take part in the Program Erasmus + for higher education/traineeships in European universities. 


Receive detailed information about the Schengen visa and tourism in the EU, visit our site and the sites of EU Member States’ embassies 

Business owners and managers 

Get information about our tenders, ways to export to the EU.

Journalists and observers 

Sign up to our press releases and visit our website. Get in touch with our press and information officer to organize interviews: