EU 'Strengthening Integrated Sustainable Landscape Management in Enga Province'

Innovative approach to integrated landscape management

The EU ‘Strengthening Integrated Sustainable Landscape Management in Enga Province’ project adopts an innovative approach to integrated landscape management that brings together improved land use and development, planning and strengthened value chains for key agricultural commodities with community-based conservation and rehabilitation activities. Central to the approach is the concept that by bringing a package of support to the target areas in Enga province the integrated elements will deliver long-term sustainable impacts and increase community and government buy in to results.


  • Total budget: EUR 4.9 million / PGK 18.7 million
  • Duration: 2021 – 2025
  • Location: Enga province
  • Beneficiaries: Enga Provincial Government and the people of Enga
  • Implementing partner: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)


  1. Improving climate change mitigation and adaptation.
  2. Strengthening food and nutrition strategy.
  3. Improving biodiversity and land/forest conservation.


  • Over 50 grants provided to local communities to develop climate friendly livelihoods.
  • Over 30,000 people (30% women) informed about climate change impacts and possibilities for adaptation and migration.
  • 10,000 farmers trained in climate-smart and environmentally friendly agriculture farming
  • practices, and sustainable integrated land use management.
  • 20,000 hectors of agriculture, forest and pastoral ecosystem where sustainable management practices have been introduced.
  • 200,000 tonnes of Co2 equivalent Green House Gas (GHG) emission’s avoided.
  • Three High Conservation value (HCV) and high carbon stocks (HCS) risk maps for Enga province.
  • The establishment of two potential community conservation areas (CCAs).


  • Provision of low-value grants to local communities to support climate-friendly livelihoods opportunities.
  • Training of trainers on food nutrition to farmers in Kandep and Wabag districts.
  • Biodiversity assessments in community conservation areas (Kumul and Lake Lau).
  • Training of farmers on sustainable agriculture e.g. sustainable farming of crops such as potatoes, onions & coffee, and on how to write business proposals, plans and registering cooperatives.
  • Rolling out of a support programme for rural communities on resilience to climate change shocks, with the introduction of the 'fair cap' water filtration kit.
  • Introduction of best practices of inclusive and integrated landscape approach.
  • Development of the Provincial plan on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)/Climate Change integration.
  • Development of the One District Plan on DRR & Climate Change Integration.
  • Development of key policies, regulations and/or plans on sustainable land use management at provincial and district level.
  • Development of specific best practices on inclusive and integrated landscape approaches.
  • Production of risk maps in the context of provincial disaster risk assessment.


Enga Province, PNG
EUR 4.9million
Environment and Climate change
Contact Details

Delegation of the European Union to Papua New Guinea

P.O Box 76, Habour City, Port Moresby, PNG


European Union
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Government of Papua New Guinea; Enga Provincia Government; Climate Change and Development Authority