Empowering Lives Through Employment: Fostering Decent Living in Mongolia

Representatives from the European Union Delegation in Mongolia and UNDP in Mongolia visited the Songinokhairkhan district, where over 70% of  the residents live in ger district. During their visit, they engaged with ger district residents who have successfully secured jobs or self-employment as a result of the employability assessment tool, known as Profiling. This client-centered and outcome-driven approach was initiated and supported by the "SDG Aligned Budgeting to Transform Employment in Mongolia" (SDGBE) project, funded by the European Union and implemented by UNDP. 

The visit took place during the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty as this year’s theme emphasizes universal access to decent work and social protection, ensuring fair wages and safe working conditions for all. In a world where the battle against poverty is a shared, urgent, and universal imperative, employment emerges as one of the most potent and sustainable solutions, both globally and here in Mongolia. 

‘Profiling’ initiative enables public employment specialists to assess job seekers' readiness to enter the labor market, leading to skills development training, counseling, and individualized employment pathway planning. To date, more than 240 public employment specialists have built their capacities to conduct these assessments, benefiting over 13,000 job seekers nationwide. This service is now available at all public employment offices, adhering to guidelines developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, with technical support from the project.

Mr Christophe Forax, Deputy Head of European Union Delegation to Mongolia, said "Employment is not merely a source of income; it represents a promise of dignity and economic self-sufficiency for individuals. It serves as a cornerstone in elevating families, communities, and entire nations out of poverty. Thus, the European Union is committed to support Mongolia in eradicating poverty” during the meeting. 

The latest progress report on Sustainable Development Goals reveals that only 30% of countries are on track to eradicate poverty by 2030.  Mongolia’s Voluntary National Review Report of 2023 also shows that Mongolia made a progress on all SDGs but one: eradication of poverty which showed regress. Furthermore, the country’s poverty level is hovering stagnant at 27.8% as of 2020 and the unemployment is on the rise. 

Ms Matilda Dimovska, UNDP Resident Representative in Mongolia, acknowledged these challenges and trends and said, “We know that quality jobs can be a catalyst for poverty reduction and inclusive growth, especially in an era of multiple transitions and overlapping global crises. The Profiling initiative we discussed today is an actionable tool for helping people out of poverty. We hope that insights gathered from this tool and the broader European Union-funded intervention will inform Mongolian policies for creating sustainable and quality job opportunities, and thus inclusive growth.” 

The SDGBE project is also implementing multiple pilot initiatives in support of promoting employment including apprenticeship programme, upskilling programme, self-employment, and entrepreneurship programmes in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Mongolia.