Promoting the implementation of international standards and best practices in the fight against torture in Kazakhstan by strengthening the capacity of the NGO Coalition against Torture


The project is aimed at promoting the elimination of torture and ill-treatment and ensuring compliance with international anti-torture standards in Kazakhstan. To this end, the project has been designed to strengthen the capacity of civil society to monitor and document torture, assist victims and advocate for torture prevention reforms; to improve civil society-government dialogue on ensuring a torture-free society; and to promote more informed and effective action to address the problem of torture by relevant national and international bodies.

Implementing organisation: Applicant: Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and the Rule of Law (KIBHR)

Co-applicant: International Partnership for Human Rights (IPHR)

Duration: 1 February 2020–30 April 2023

Total budget: €315,800

EU contribution: €300,000

Project partners: Kazakhstani NGO Coalition against Torture; state authorities

Location: Kazakhstan

Keywords: 3 keywords which will make the project easy to find online: Kazakhstan; fight against torture;  Coalition against Torture

Contract number: EIDHR/2019/ 412-757

Main target groups

- NGOs involved in the fight against torture and ill-treatment in Kazakhstan, in particular members of the NGO Coalition against Torture;

-Victims and potential victims of torture and ill-treatment, including people in detention and members of vulnerable groups such as women, children and disabled people, as well as their family members;

- Members of the National Preventive Mechanism;

- National authorities; and

- International institutions and stakeholders.

- Increased capacity and resources of the NGO Coalition against torture to address the problem of torture;
- Enhanced cooperation among civil society and national
authorities in the fight against torture, and more effective
functioning of the National Preventive Mechanism;
- Improved access to adequate legal, medical and psychological assistance among torture victims;
- Improved knowledge and skills of law enforcement officials to investigate torture allegations and hold perpetrators
- Improved visibility of torture-related issues in Kazakhstan,
and improved access to information on such issues among
national and international target institutions.