Drone Strategy 2.0: Creating a large-scale European drone market

EU News 233/2022

The European Drone Strategy 2.0, adopted today by the Commission, sets out a vision for the further development of the European drone market. It builds on the EU's safety framework for operating and setting the technical requirements of drones, which is the world's most advanced. The new Strategy lays out how Europe can pursue large-scale commercial drone operations while offering new opportunities in the sector.

From jobs to new mobility solutions

Thanks to the EU's comprehensive regulatory framework, drones have flown safely for hundreds of thousands of hours in Europe's skies, for example surveying infrastructure, monitoring oil spills, or sampling soil. Projects on using drones for medical air deliveries, transporting medical samples between healthcare services are also making good progress. The implementation of the ‘U-space' in January 2023, a European system unique in the world to manage drone traffic safely, will lay the ground for increased operations.

Before pushing ahead with these innovative technologies, the Commission wants to ensure that society supports drones. To address concerns over noise, safety and privacy, the Strategy therefore calls for national, regional and local municipalities to ensure that drone services are aligned with citizens' needs.