Call for Visual Identity Designs: 50th Anniversary of the opening of the Delegation of the European Union to Japan

The Delegation of the European Communities (EC) to Japan was established in Tokyo in 1974; 2024 will mark the 50th anniversary of the European Union’s official presence in Japan.

The Delegation, now officially called the Delegation of the European Union to Japan, is organising a competition for a design for a logo/visual identity to mark the occasion that would be used on various promotional materials and social media channels during the course of 2024.


Competition Overview

  1. Citizens of Japan, the EU, or EU candidate countries may apply, regardless of age.
  2. Submissions must be received no later than 17:00 (Japan Standard Time) on Friday, 17 November 2023.
  3. Please submit your design by email to the Delegation of the European Union to Japan (hereafter ‘the Delegation’) at the following address:
  4. The Delegation will evaluate all designs received and select one work to be used as its official logo for events and social media activities throughout the course of the 50th anniversary year.
  5. The selected work, as well as those given honourable mention, will be announced on the Delegation’s website and social media channels.
  6. The designer of the winning work will receive a prize and be invited to lunch with the EU Ambassador at the Ambassador's residence together with one companion (The Delegation will provide up to 100,000 JPY to cover transportation/accommodation costs[1]). Those who submitted works given honourable mention will be invited to the Delegation’s official Europe Day Reception on Thursday, 9 May 2024 (All related costs, such as transportation fees, should be borne by the participant).


Design Submission

Those wishing to take part in this competition should attach their design, together with the completed application form (Word document), to an email with the subject title “Logo Competition Entry” and addressed to the Delegation ( We regret that we cannot accept submissions by post.

  1. Please submit both colour and black-and-white versions of the design (no restrictions on number of colours, gradations, etc.). Each should be sent as a JPEG or PNG file no larger than 3 MB and at a resolution of at least 300 dpi and should fit on an A4 page when printed (formatting changes may be requested if necessary).
  2. The design should include the number ‘50’.
  3. The explanation of the design on the application form should be approximately 80 words long. Please do not include it in the email body text. This explanation will be made public if the design is selected.
  4. Each entrant is limited to one application.
  5. No submitted materials will be returned.
  6. Application Form (Word) *Can be download in the link below.


Points to Note

  1. Submitted designs must be new, not previously published anywhere else and must not infringe on copyrights, trademarks etc., of any third parties.
  2. Submissions that contain any of the following will be disqualified:
  1. content that is offensive,
  2. content that violates or might violate laws,
  3. content promoting political or religious groups or positions,
  4. content that is culturally or socially insensitive,
  5. content that is for commercial purposes.
  1. The selected design will be subject to any edits, alterations or processing necessary for use by the Delegation. In the event the logo is found to be unsatisfactory after the selection process, or if agreement cannot be reached as to revisions to the logo, the selected design will be withdrawn from use.
  2. All rights to submitted designs and the copyright to the winning design will belong to the Delegation. Submission of a design signifies that the entrant agrees to relinquish all rights and interests in them. In principle, submitted designs will not be altered other than to adjust size and/or colour, or to translate any text into Japanese or English.
  3. The selected design may be withdrawn from use if any information submitted with the design is later determined to be false.
  4. The selected design in its final form will be distributed to parties authorised by the Delegation, and will be used to promote the 50th anniversary of the opening of the EU Delegation in Japan and related social media activities.
  5. Personal information (other than name and affiliation) of those submitting designs will not be disclosed or offered to third parties without the entrant’s permission.
  6. Receipt of submissions will not be acknowledged, and those who submitted designs that were not selected for use or honourable mention will not be contacted. We regret that no inquiries concerning the judgment process can be accepted.


For more information, please contact the Delegation of the European Union to Japan:


[1] Please note that receipts or other proof must be submitted to receive the money.