Ambassador Julien Guerrier was working for close to 30 years at the European Commission, mainly on international trade negotiations, industrial and research policy, and corporate management issues. Prior to coming to Vietnam, he was in charge of the Directorate developing the overall policy for the EU funding programme for research and innovation, Horizon Europe.

As a representative of the Commission, he also headed the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation in Tokyo (2008-2011); the European Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (2017-2020), which managed EU Programmes for the competitiveness of SMEs, for research and innovation, for climate and environmental action as well as the pilot European Innovation Council and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund.

Before joining the Commission, he was at the French Ministry of Public Works and participated in an exchange of officials with the Japanese administration, where he worked for one year. Ambassador Guerrier graduated from Ecole Polytechnique and Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées in France and holds an MBA.

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    Ambassador Julien Guerrier

Message from the Ambassador

Dear visitor,

For centuries, Europe has been a leading powerhouse in science, education and technological innovation. On the ruins of war, over the past 70 years or so we have built new European institutions to develop virtuous cooperation and achieve lasting peace among our nations. The European Union is now one of the largest and most prosperous markets on Earth, leading the way towards the green and digital transitions. In foreign policy, we are becoming a major player in the establishment of a new world order, increasing our contributions to peacekeeping and crisis management.

As the European Union and its 27 Member States have achieved strategic steps in their political integration, including through the adoption of a strong single currency: the Euro. We are today reaching out to our partners to develop a new international agenda defined by common objectives for peace, sustainable development and the respect of the rule of law. In the 21st century the Indo-Pacific, and in particular Vietnam, holds a central place in this

2023  marks the 33rd anniversary of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic relations between the EU and Vietnam. Emerging from a long period of conflict, Vietnam has experienced during those 33 years an impressive economic growth. The country has undergone significant social changes and become a middle-income country, as well as an important player within ASEAN. The EU and its Member States have accompanied Vietnam on this journey as major donors contributing to the country’s development, while strengthening and deepening bilateral ties through trade and investment, training and education, governance, and increased cooperation in foreign policy.

In close coordination with the Embassies of our Member States, the EU Delegation to Vietnam ensures the unity, consistency and effectiveness of the EU's relations with Vietnam.

The EU Delegation is the single and permanent interlocutor of Vietnamese authorities, civil society organisations and other stakeholders for all EU-related matters.

On behalf of all our team, it is my great pleasure to welcome you to the official website of the EU Delegation to Vietnam. You will find here an open door to the EU, its institutions and its policies.

In our aim to bring the European Union closer to the Vietnamese public, we undertake our utmost to make our website useful and sincerely hope you will become a frequent visitor. If you have any comments or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us, your feedback will be very much welcomed.

With warm regards,
Julien Guerrier, Ambassador of the EU to Vietnam