Welcome to the personal blog of EU Ambassador to Vietnam Julien Guerrier. ? 

Ever wondered what goes on in the life of an Ambassador? Outside of the office, meetings and official functions what tickles their fancy? What sorts of hobbies and interests do they have? Cuisines, culture, the arts, amongst other interests?

Look no further! 

My first months in Vietnam - 1

When I set foot in Vietnam last Summer, I was immediately struck by the dynamism and the optimism of the Vietnamese people, convinced that tomorrow will be better than today. I have been visiting Vietnam since 1996 – and when one sees the pace at which Vietnam has been opening itself to the world, developing its economy and lifting its people out of poverty, this faith in a better future is not surprising!

Hanoi is a city that immediately cast a spell on me: I fell for its lakes, its tree-lined streets, its well-preserved architecture, from the Temple of Literature to French pavilions… and more importantly for European food-lovers: the scent of phở in the streets. One of my favourite gastronomic discoveries was the chả cá, and I am enjoying regularly spring rolls (nem), Vietnamese pancakes and so many other local delicacies.

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Chả cá is so good!
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First evening in Hanoi. 


One memorable moment was of course the presentation of my credentials to Vietnam’s President. The solemnity of the ceremony, the depth and friendliness of our exchange will stay with me for the rest of my tenure in this country. Another one was seeing my daughters in the áo dài... they seem to be adapting to their new environment even faster than I am.

Having lived twice in Japan, I feel also how much Vietnam is now reconnecting with its Asian environment. Investments, residents and cultural events from Korea, Japan and other Asian countries are everywhere in Hanoi and the country. As the story of Princess Anio underlines, such links have existed in the past, but today, they are taking a whole new dimension, and the mix and profusion of European cultures that I enjoyed so much in Brussels, seems to have sort of an Asian equivalent in Hanoi. 

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Meeting with Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh. 
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My daughters in the áo dài.


But Vietnam is so much more than Hanoi, it is 63 provinces and cities, each with its own character. Last month, my missions took me to Hue, Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City, and I hope to be visiting many more in the coming months and years. I want to explore the diversity and beauty of the provinces, promote links between their people and Europeans, in education, research, innovation, business… Last month when I was in Hue, the sight from my room onto the Old Citadel and the Perfume River was so peaceful. You could feel the weight of the years that the Citadel has seen, standing there and looking onto the river. The morning after, I started the day by having a stroll on the river bank, before meeting with the Chair of Hue People’s Committee.

Now, the real attraction for me of Vietnam, beyond its culture, its landscapes, its gastronomy and its capacity to project itself in the future, is the Vietnamese people. I have met many of them in the past three months, all warm and welcoming, impressive in their capacity to work hard, improvise, show flexibility and spontaneity when facing an obstacle. In Hanoi, in Ho Chi Minh City and in provinces, I would like to engage with as many people as possible, to develop a better understanding not just of the country, but of the people who are building it! For that to be successful, I would need a good Vietnamese teacher! 

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At the EU Christmas Market in Hanoi. 
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Hanoi Pride 2023 - Hanoi is proud of its diversity.

About the Ambassador

Ambassador Julien Guerrier was working for close to 30 years at the European Commission, mainly on international trade negotiations, industrial and research policy, and corporate management issues. Prior to coming to Vietnam, he was in charge of the Directorate developing the overall policy for the EU funding programme for research and innovation, Horizon Europe.

As a representative of the Commission, he also headed the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation in Tokyo (2008-2011); the European Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (2017-2020), which managed EU Programmes for the competitiveness of SMEs, for research and innovation, for climate and environmental action as well as the pilot European Innovation Council and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund.

Before joining the Commission, he was at the French Ministry of Public Works and participated in an exchange of officials with the Japanese administration, where he worked for one year. Ambassador Guerrier graduated from Ecole Polytechnique and Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées in France and holds an MBA.