Twiteho Amagara – Health component of the Resilience program

Program aimed at improving the overall accessibility of health services, to guarantee quality care, and the response capacity of the health system to health emergencies.

Twiteho Amagara is the component dedicated to strengthening health systems of the vast Program in Support of the Resilience of Burundi Populations, funded by the EU.

With a budget envelope of 45 million euros, it focuses on strengthening health systems, improving mental health and sexual and reproductive health (SRH), caring for victims of gender-based violence (GBV) and preparedness and capacity to respond to public health emergencies.

The projects of the Twiteho Amagara component covered the entire national territory and were implemented by the organisations Enabel, Memisa, IOM, WHO, Louvain Cooperation, Médecins Sans Vacances, World Vision, Christian Aid, HealthNet TPO, WeWorld- GVC, Medica Mondiale, Pathfinder, Cordaid.

Twiteho Amagara program leaflet

Newsletter n°1 - Twiteho Amagara

Newsletter n°2 - Twiteho Amagara

Newsletter n°3 - Twiteho Amagara