EUBAM-Libya Delegation Honored by Invitation to Meet with Vice President Al Koni in Farewelling Head of Mission

(Tripoli, Libya) The European Union Border Assistance Mission (EUBAM Libya) had the honor of being invited to meet with His Excellency, Vice President Al-Koni. The meeting served as a farewell to outgoing Head of Mission, Natalina Cea, and provided an opportunity to reaffirm EUBAM's commitment to cooperation with the Libyan government and strengthen the positive bilateral relationship.

Vice President Al-Koni warmly acknowledged Ms. Cea's achievements during her tenure, expressing his appreciation for her dedication and contributions to the Mission. The delegation, then briefed him on the Mission's current priorities, reiterating the points discussed during the recent meeting between High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell and the Vice President in Brussels.

A key aspect of the discussion was the significance of the recently signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between EUBAM and the Libyan authorities. Both parties emphasized the crucial role of the MoU in establishing a Joint Committee, which will facilitate efficient collaboration on border security matters. Vice President Al-Koni underscored the MoU's potential as a stepping stone towards a strengthened cooperation between Libya and the Mission.

Furthermore, the Vice President highlighted the importance of addressing border security challenges, emphasizing the need for expertise and support from the EU and EUBAM. He reiterated the value of close cooperation and commended EUBAM's efforts to date in supporting Libyan border security initiatives.

 With increased communication and mutual commitment, EUBAM-Libya looks forward to working hand-in-hand with Libyan partners to enhance border security and contribute to stability and prosperity in the region.