With EUBAM’s Assistance Libyan and Italian Customs Agencies Renew Cooperation




Under the auspices of the European Union Border Assistance Mission (EUBAM), key members of the Libyan Customs Authority (LCA) visited Rome on a study trip with the aim of increasing cooperation with the Italian Excise, Customs and Monopolies Agency (ADM) and discussing capacity-building activities, technical consultancy and international cooperation.

Based on the international standards and best practices of Border Management, a specific focus during the visit was interagency cooperation between the ADM and the Italian Coast Guard and their mechanisms for implementing the exchange of operational information to control the transit of goods and prevent organised crime and terrorism.

The visit culminating in the signing of an agreement between the Libyan and Italian Customs Agencies that will re-activate the Memorandum of Understanding on bilateral cooperation between the two agencies dating from 2012. The reaffirmed understanding will set up a rotating exchange programme for Italian and Libyan customs officers, and a steering committee to oversee future cooperation relating to the exchange of information, best practices and expertise in combatting and preventing illegal trade and fraud.

The Director General of the Libyan Customs Authority, Suleiman Ali Salem Biled, expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the Director General of the Italian Customs Authority, Marcello Minenna, for the warm reception and hospitality that the Italian Customs Authority provided throughout the visit, as well as a special thanks to the Head of the European Union Border Assistance Mission, Natalina Cea, for the high-level support provided throughout the visit.