Call for Proposals ‘’Support to in-country civil society actors in Fergana Valley under the thematic programme Peace, Stability and Conflict Prevention’’


This Call aims to support in-country civil society actors in their endeavour to prevent violence and promote peacebuilding. The Call will have one Lot, aiming at contracting three projects under priority area iii) support to locally-led peacebuilding of the thematic programme Peace, Stability and Conflict Prevention (2022).

This Call aims to support in-country civil society actors in their endeavour to prevent violence and promote peacebuilding. The Call will have one Lot, aiming at contracting three projects under priority area iii) support to locally-led peacebuilding of the thematic programme Peace, Stability and Conflict Prevention (2022).

The global objective of this call for proposals is:
· to empower inclusive, locally-led civil society peacebuilding initiatives with cross-border and regional
scope and the potential for effective prevention of violence in Fergana Valley.
The specific objective of this call for proposals is:
· to create spaces for inclusive and locally-led cross-border dialogue with the potential to build
sustainable, in-country capacities for effective prevention of violence in Fergana Valley.

Programme: Peace, stability and conflict prevention Geographical Zone: Central Asia Region
Type: Action Grants Published: 14/02/2023
Status: Open » 15/05/2023 Updated: 03/04/2023
Budget: 2,500,000 (EUR) Reference: EuropeAid/176227/DH/ACT/Multi


For more information and to apply, press here.