H.E. Marilyn Josefson is proudly representing the European Union in the Kyrgyz Republic since 1 September 2022. 

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    H.E Marilyn Josefson

    H.E Marilyn Josefson, EU Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan. 

Message from the Ambassador

Dear visitor,

Welcome to the website of the European Union's Delegation to the Kyrgyz Republic! Our Delegation officially represents the EU in Kyrgyzstan and is actively engaged in dialogue with the authorities and society. 

Here you will find some information on the EU in general, its relations with the Kyrgyz Republic and on our Delegation’s work in particular. This website provides also information on tenders, funding opportunities and vacancies. 

The EU and Kyrgyzstan established relations soon after the Kyrgyz independence proclamation in 1991. From the outset of this relationship, the EU has supported Kyrgyzstan in many areas. Over the years, the EU has expanded its cooperation with Kyrgyzstan to a wide range of areas: political dialogue, human rights and the rule of law, trade and economic development, strengthening of civil society, culture and public diplomacy, digitalization, water infrastructure.  

The EU is also supporting the Kyrgyz Republic and its regional neighbors by implementing regional projects in several areas including education, border management and the fight against drugs as well as the environment. Many projects are coordinated with the EU Member States and financial institutions, such as the EIB and the EBRD. 

In recognizing the developed nature of our relations, the EU and Kyrgyzstan have prepared a new Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement which is soon to be signed. 

I hope to further advance this excellent and reliable relationship. I strongly believe that this country and its people have great potential. I will do my best to facilitate this in my current role.     

Please feel free to contact us with any comments or questions through delegation-kyrgyzstan@eeas.europa.eu. In addition to exploring this website, you may also visit and follow our FacebookTwitter, Instagram, YouTube and Flickr for news & events updates. You can familiarize yourselves with our major diplomatic and cultural events in the Newsroom tab, including impactful stories of beneficiaries from across Kyrgyzstan. To get more personal glimpse of our work, you are welcome to follow me on Twitter. [VR(1] 

Thank you!

Marilyn Josefson, Ambassador of the European Union to the Kyrgyz Republic.