Deputy Secretary General Fries inaugurated new EUMM Headquarters in Tblisi

On 14 December, Deputy Secretary General for Peace, Security and Defence of the European External Action Service (EEAS), Mr. Charles Fries, visited parts of the Administrative Boundary Line (ABL) with South Ossetia, in the Zemo Nikozi and Dvani areas, with the EU Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM). EUMM Acting Head of Mission, Dr. Tibor Kozma, welcomed the Deputy Secretary General and joined his delegation throughout the visit, offering his insights on the most recent developments on the ground. More information available in our press release.

On 15 December, DSG Fries participated in the official inauguration of the new EUMM Headquarters in Tbilisi, together with EUMM Acting Head of Mission, Dr. Tibor Kozma, and Georgian First Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Lasha Darsalia. The inauguration took place on the first day of EUMM’s extended mandate, which runs from 15 December 2022 to 14 December 2024. In his speech, DSG Fries stressed that the EU remains strongly committed to peace and security in Georgia and the wider region. More information available in our press release.