Together, the European Union and its Member States are the biggest suppliers of development cooperation to Nicaragua.  

Channels of funding to support development

The European Union uses different channels of funding to support development in Nicaragua: 

  • Development grants through the EU system, which is specifically for Nicaragua. 
  • Development grants through the EU system, which supports projects to Nicaragua and other countries in the Central American region. 
  • Development loans from the European Investment Bank to projects in Nicaragua. 
  • Grants directly from several EU Member States, supporting projects in Nicaragua (and, in some cases, other countries in the region). 

In addition, the European Union provides humanitarian aid to Nicaragua and neighbouring countries in response to emergencies such as natural disasters. (This aid isn´t counted as development assistance.) 

EU funding specifically for Nicaragua

The Country strategy paper 2021-2027  has been dedicated to the following priority sectors: 

  • Adaptation to climate change.
  • Support to the productive sector.

EU funding for Latin American Region

In addition to cooperation with Nicaragua, the EU support regional cooperation programmes that benefit the entire Latin American region. 

Here are the ongoing projects: