The peculiarity of a diplomatic mission of the European Union is that it does not represent a country, but a group of them. The EU is not, as many believe, an international organization similar to the United Nations or other regional bodies, but a unique case of delegation of powers or competences by the Member States of the EU to common institutions: the community institutions.  

These delegated powers are expressed in common policies, for example in the commercial sphere, in which the EU has exclusive competence to negotiate, conclude and manage agreements with countries that do not belong to the Union.  

What we do

In its external facet, of relations with other countries, the EU Delegations come to assume the diplomatic role that embassies have for an individual country

With regard to development cooperation programs, in which the European Union ranks as the leader among donors worldwide and, among the main donors in Nicaragua, this Delegation:  

  • Identifies, in collaboration with government, local authorities and civil society, the priorities for this country.
  • Prepares the programs. 
  • Supervises its execution, which can take the form of a project or another form of support for a government policy.  

As of the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty of the EU, on December 1, 2009, the Delegations of the European Union also assume the task of externally representing the Union in the political sphere, replacing the system of a rotating presidency that existed before.  

Other traditional activities of the Delegation in Nicaragua are: 

  • Representation of the European Union before the national authorities of Nicaragua. 
  • Explanation and implementation of the European Union policy. 
  • Monitoring of national development policies in Nicaragua. 
  • Coordination with the Embassies of the Member States of the European Union accredited in the country. The Delegation assumed the Presidency of the European Union in May 2010 in accordance with the new directives of the Lisbon Treaty. 
  • Promotion of trade and investment exchanges between Nicaragua and the European Union. 
  • Information through this website of various publications and the organization of European cultural events.