Useful information on traveling from Japan to the EU, such as visas, travel restrictions and consulates, and for studying there.

Visa Information

When you visit Europe

Japanese nationals do not normally need a visa for short-term travel to Europe. However, if in any doubt please contact the nearest embassy of the country that you wish to travel to. Stays of over 90 days may require a VISA.

Please note that when travelling to the EU, passports need to be valid for at least 3 months after the date you intend to leave the EU country you are visiting, and they should have been issued within the previous 10 years.

See also: Travel documents for non-EU nationals – Your Europe

EU Member State Embassies

Study in Europe (Erasmus+)

The EU, with its 27 Member States, is one of the world’s most exciting destinations for international students. The EU enjoys high academic standards and its cutting-edge technology, advanced research facilities and a diversity of cultures, languages, and societies make for a great variety of degree programmes.

Learn about EU scholarships to study or conduct research in the EU, about a unique opportunity to meet European university representatives at the European Higher Education Fair, and where to get more information on studying in Europe.

Erasmus+: Study in Europe with an EU scholarship

Erasmus+ is the European Union's programme for education, training, youth and sport for the period 2021 – 2027.  It offers a range of opportunities for higher education students, staff and institutions from around the world.

  1. Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMDs) are operated by consortia of higher education institutions (HEIs) from the EU and elsewhere in the world. They provide high quality integrated courses and joint or multiple diplomas following study or research at two or more HEIs.

They offer EU-funded scholarships or fellowships to:

  • Masters students to study in an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree
  • Scholars and guest academics to teach or carry out research as part of an EMJMD

Students from all over the world are eligible to apply.

When and how?

Over 100 Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees will be awarding scholarships for courses starting in the academic year 2022/2023. Applications should be submitted directly to the programmes in the last quarter of 2021 or in early 2022. For more information, please visit the website of the Masters programme that interests you. You can find a list on the EMJM website.

The scholarship covers the costs of taking part in the course, travel and installation, subsistence costs and insurance. Altogether this can amount to up to 16,800 euro per year.

  1. International Credit Mobility (short-term study in Europe)

To date, some 200 mobility agreements have been signed between Japanese higher education institutions (HEIs) and those in the European Union. Together, these will provide grants for selected Japanese universities to send almost 350 of their students and staff every year to partner universities throughout Europe.

If your university has one or more of these inter-institutional agreements, you will be able to apply to spend part of your degree period (2 to 12 months) at the European university. This mobility is possible at bachelor, master or doctorate level. Contact your university's international office to see where you can go, and what you can study.

Japanese students coming to Europe may receive a monthly contribution to their expenses abroad of between EUR 800 and EUR 900, depending on the cost of living in the host country, plus a travel contribution based on the distance from the sending to the receiving institution.

Information on Erasmus+ can also be found on the official Erasmus+ website, the Erasmus+ Student and Alumni Association website, the official Erasmus+ Facebook page and this fact sheet.

If your university has one or more of these inter-institutional agreements, you will be able to apply to spend part of your degree period (3 to 12 months) at the European university. This mobility is possible at bachelor, master or doctorate level. Contact your university's international office to see where you can go, and what you can study.

Japanese students coming to Europe may receive a monthly contribution to their expenses abroad of between EUR 800 and EUR 900, depending on the cost of living in the host country, plus a travel contribution based on the distance from the sending to the receiving institution.

'Information on Erasmus+ can also be found on the official Erasmus+ website, the official Erasmus+ Student and Alumni Association website, and the official Erasmus+ Facebook page.

  • Doctoral candidates

Doctoral candidates can apply for a doctoral fellowship or other research grants available under the Marie Sklodowksa-Curie programme part of the EU's Horizon Europe framework programme for research and innovation.

Erasmus+ Japan students' graduation photo

European Higher Education Fair (EHEF)

Europe is a global leader in study programmes for learners of all ages and is a popular destination for students from around the world. The European Higher Education Fair (link is external) is held every year in Japan, with over 100 European higher education institutions represented most years.  It is a unique opportunity to meet European university representatives and learn about courses, programmes, and scholarship opportunities.

EHEF 2024 will be held on 15-16 June in Tokyo and Kyoto with online elements. More details will follow on the EHEF website shortly.

Further information

The Study in Europe Guide provides basic information about EU programmes, as well as study and scholarship opportunities in each of the 27 EU Member States.

The EU's Study in Europe website also provides a wealth of general information, as do the StudyPortals and ScholarshipPortal websites.

European Higher Education Fair (EHEF)

EU Alumni

Have you participated in the EU Visitors Programme (EUVP), or taken part in programmes under Erasmus Mundus or Erasmus+, from Japan?

Keep in touch so that we can stay connected. We are pleased to invite our alumni to events organised by the EU Delegation and hold occasional social events to meet other alumni.

To update your contact information, please e-mail us. (

To find out more and hear testimonials of former EUVP participants from around the world, visit the EUVP website.

EU Networks in Japan

Check all EU Networks in Japan promoting EU and its culture.