EU Delegation to Vietnam supporting Hanoi Pride 2023

The EU Delegation to Vietnam is proud to have been the Diamond Sponsor for Hanoi Pride 2023, and we look forward to supporting activities of the local LGBTQI+ community over the coming months. 

Together with EU Member States (as #TeamEurope) we ran a booth at the Pride Booth Fair on Sunday 24 September at the American Club (Hanoi). There were plenty of cakes, wine, publications, stickers, bags and other goodies donated by the EU Delegation and Embassies of EU Member States. A special showcase was also organised, with the Vietnamese LGBTQI+ sitcom 'My Best Gay Friend' (currently co-funded by the EU) and other AV materials being screened throughout the day. 

On the Main Stage of the Event, EU Ambassador to Vietnam Julien Guerrier made a speech that highlighted the EU's commitment towards supporting LQBTQI+ communities, and the values of diversity and freedom of expression. 

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