Leaving GECOM Tabulation Centre


Delegation of the European Union to Guyana

Head of the EU Delegation to Guyana, Ambassador Fernando Ponz Cantó, [third from left], walks out of the Guyana Elections Commission Tabulation Centre on March 13, 2020, in the company of the UK, USA and Canadian Ambassadors during the March 2020 General Elections results controversy in Guyana. The walk out occurred after it was observed that a transparent process was not in place and intimidatory tactics were being applied during the tabulation of votes by election officials. The Ambassadors had maintained that in the absence of a credible process any results for Region 4, which would have impacted the overall results of the March 2, elections would not have been credible and a President sworn in on the basis of those results would not have been considered legitimate. The four Ambassadors became integral in what turned out to be five month long battle for democracy in Guyana as the electoral votes were recounted.

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