EU provides military medical equipment to Ukrainian Armed Forces under the European Peace Facility


The equipment is part of a bigger package, which includes logistic and engineering support to Ukraine’s Armed Forces. 

This weekend, the EU delivered military medical equipment to the Ukrainian Armed Forces under the European Peace Facility (EPF). The equipment delivered is the first tranche of a broader package envisaged in an Assistance Measure adopted by the Council on 2 December 2021 in support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 

The measure is worth €31 million and includes the provision of medical equipment (field hospitals), engineering equipment (demining equipment), logistics (trucks and other assets), and cyber. This measure was formulated based on the needs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

The Assistance Measure will contribute to strengthening the capabilities and resilience of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to defend the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine and protect the civilian population against the ongoing military war of aggression.


On 22 March 2021, the Foreign Affairs Council adopted Council Decision 2021/509 establishing the European Peace Facility (EPF).

The EPF is an off-budget instrument aimed at enhancing the Union's ability to prevent conflicts, build peace and strengthen international security, by enabling the financing of operational actions under the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) in the areas of military and defence.

It replaces and enlarges, starting 2021, the former financial instruments in this area, namely the Athena Mechanism and the African Peace Facility.

The EPF has a financial ceiling of €5.692 billion in current prices (€5 billion in 2018 prices) for the 2021-2027, with an annual ceiling that goes from €420 million in 2021, to €1.132 billion in 2027. Contributions will be determined based on a gross national income (GNI) distribution key.

Alongside the EPF Decision, the Council adopted the General guidelines and proposed priorities for assistance measures during the inception period (2021-2023), and the EPF Integrated Methodological Framework, which set out the basic principles for safeguards, compliance and control that the EU will apply when providing military technology and equipment in the framework of the EPF.