EU Military Committee chairman meets Supreme Allied Commander Europe

The Chairman of the EU Military Committee had discussions recently with General Cavoli, Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR).


On 20 June, General Robert Brieger, Chairman of the EU Military Committee (CEUMC) and General Christopher G. Cavoli, Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) met at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) to discuss the joint effort, shared challenges and further military cooperation between NATO and the EU.

Among others, the CEUMC highlighted the EU’s Rapid Deployment Capacity (EU RDC), as a tool to deploy up to 5,000 soldiers in all dimensions as a quick response to all scenarios outside the EU.

“By the beginning of 2025 the EU RDC will be fully operational. This is a big step towards the development of credible military instruments for the security of EU citizens” said General Brieger during the visit.

The CEUMC underlined that this was a great opportunity to have an exchange of views outside of more formal occasions.