5th Annual European Mobility Week in Uzbekistan: Forging the Path to Sustainable and Energy-Efficient Mobility

The theme for 2023, "Save Energy," emphasizes the critical role of energy efficiency in promoting sustainable urban mobility.


The 5th annual European Mobility Week commences on September 16, encompassing the globally recognized Car Free Day on September 22 and extending throughout the entire month of September. Entering its 5th year, Uzbekistan further reaffirms its commitment to sustainable urban mobility. The theme for 2023, "Save Energy," emphasizes the critical role of energy efficiency in promoting sustainable urban mobility.

Conserving and saving energy is critical in combating climate change, ensuring energy security, and improving our collective well-being. During Sustainable Mobility Month, let's recognize the global significance of “Save Energy” and make sustainable mobility a central part of daily routines. Recognizing the pivotal role that energy efficiency plays in Uzbekistan's mobility infrastructure paves the way to a sustainable urban mobility. Together, we lead the charge towards a greener, more equitable future,” points out Charlotte Adriaen, the Ambassador of the European Union to Uzbekistan. 

This year, the European Union-led initiative extends its reach to over 2000 cities across 39 countries. Following the best practices globally and the practices of previous years, the European Union Delegation to Uzbekistan extends its invitation to Government partners, local government officials, and civil society organizations to participate in the upcoming European Mobility Week with mobility actions, policy development, infrastructural enhancements, or awareness-driven initiatives such as cycling and jogging marathons during EMW or on Car Free Day. 

Simultaneously, residents are invited to embrace eco-friendly modes like cycling, walking, metro, and trams. These choices not only save energy but also enhance the environment and well-being.

Please find a concise video highlighting the past achievements of European Mobility Week in the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0n7A1uHHTto.


Background information:

European Mobility Week in Uzbekistan is a part of a global campaign and is an initiative of the European Commission taking place in more than 50 countries each year.

Uzbekistan has been the first one among Central Asian countries to join in communicating the message of sustainable mobility and European Mobility Week. Following successful EMW campaigns in 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 this year marks the 5th European Mobility Week edition in Uzbekistan.

By joining the Paris Agreement in 2018 and committing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 35% by 2030, Uzbekistan has already set on the path of tackling climate change.

To further anchor this notion, in 2022 the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan has recognized the European Mobility Week as an annual campaign of national importance. 

More information about the global European Mobility Week campaign can be found on https://mobilityweek.eu/.