Europe Days under the sign of the war in Ukraine

Solidarity with Ukraine and the European Year of Youth 2022 were the topics of two Europe Day celebrations organized by the Delegation of the European Union to Switzerland and to Liechtenstein in Bern and Vaduz, respectively. In Bern, EU Ambassador Petros Mavromichalis welcomed the Ukrainian Ambassador Rybchenko Artem as guest of honour, emphasizing also the EU’s and Switzerland’s community of values and common action in in condemning Russia’s aggression war and standing with Ukraine. In Vaduz, in presence of Liechtenstein’s Prime Minister Daniel Risch and Foreign Minister Dominique Hasler, the Europe Day ceremony was framed by musical performances by students of the local grammar school and an address by an Ukrainian exchange student. On both events, a minute of silence was observed in honour of the innocent victims of this senseless war. 

EU Ambassador Petros Mavromichalis with Ukrainian Ambassador Artem Rybchenko

EU Ambassador Petros Mavromichalis with the Ukrainian Ambassador Dr. Artem Rybchenko at the Europe Day in Bern
Minute of Silence at the Europe Day in Bern

Minute of Silence under the sign of solidarity with Ukraine at the Europe Day in Bern
Ambassadors accredited in the Principality of Liechtenstein at the Europe Day in Vaduz

Ambassadors accredited in the Principality of Liechtenstein together with Prime Minister Dr. Daniel Risch and Foreign Minister Dominique Hasler at the Europe Day in Vaduz
Musical performance by students of the Liechtensteinisches Gymnasium

Musical performance by students of the Liechtensteinisches Gymnasium

Please find more photos of the Europe Days and the videos of the speeches at (Bern) and (Vaduz)