EUSR Gilmore Concludes visit to South Sudan


The European Union Special Representative (EUSR) for Human Rights Mr. Eamon Gilmore on Wednesday concluded his first visit to South Sudan.

While in the country, EUSR Gilmore visited Malakal Upper Nile State, met top government officials, diplomats, representatives of Civil Society Organisations, academia and the EU Delegation staff in Juba.

Mr. Gilmore went to Malakal to see the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) to get first-hand impressions of their needs and aspirations so that he would be able reflect their issues during meetings with the government, and his colleagues and EU Member States in Brussels. 


Fire Brigade

“We wish South Sudan what we wish for ourselves such as stable, peaceful, prosperous and progressive country,” Gilmore told the Delegation staff as he bid his farewell. “This country is blessed with resilient people, minerals, fertile land and young population. We pray and hope the conflict will end; the economy will expand and will be able to create jobs for its unemployed youth.” 


Among top government officials, he met the first vice president Dr. Riek Machar, Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Reconstituted National Legislative Assembly, Hon. Jemma Nunu Kumba, Nathaniel Oyet, Justice Minister Reuben Madol, senior and parliamentarians. He also exchanged with both native and foreign diplomats at a reception in the European Compound on Tuesday.  

EG + Jemma Nunu

Mr. Gilmore is also the European Union’s Special Envoy for the Colombian Peace Process. 

He was Ireland’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade from 2011 until July 2014. During this time, he led Ireland’s successful Presidency of the EU Council; he chaired the OSCE and managed the Northern Ireland Peace Process on behalf of the Irish Government with responsibility for implementation of the Good Friday Agreement, including its core human rights provisions.

He was a trade union leader and a student union leader prior to his election to parliament. He was the Leader of the Irish Labour Party from 2007 until 2014.

Gilmore EUD Staff