H.E. Timo Olkkonen is the Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of South Sudan.

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    Timo Olkkonen

    The Ambassador of the EU to South Sudan, Timo Olkkonen.



Date of birth: 12th March 1970

Place of birth: Kolsva, Sweden

Nationality: Finnish


01.09. 2022 |

  • Ambassador, Head of Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of South Sudan
  • Accredited to South Sudan with an overall responsibility of EU relations with the country, including political and economic issues and development cooperation

01.09. 2018 | 31.08.2022

  • Ambassador, Head of Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Zimbabwe
  • Accredited to Zimbabwe with an overall responsibility of EU relations with the country, including political and economic issues and development cooperation

01.09.2014 | 31.08. 2018

  • Ambassador of Finland to the Republic of Zambia
  • Head of Mission of the Embassy of Finland in Lusaka, ambassador accredited to Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi and the official representative of Finland to the Common Market of Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)

01.06.2010 | 31.08.2014

  • Director, Unit for Development Policy and Planning, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
  • Head of Unit for the Unit with overall responsibility of Finland’s development policy

01.05.2008 | 30.04.2010

  • (Seconded) National Expert, European Commission DG Development and Relations with African, Caribbean and Pacific States
  • Policy and technical tasks in the field of aid effectiveness

01.09.2005 | 30.04.2008

  • First Secretary, Permanent Representation of Finland to the EU
  • National representative in the ACP working group and the food-aid working group

01.07.2001 | 31.08.2005

  • Second Secretary, alternate Head of Mission, Deputy Permanent Representative to UNEP and UN-Habitat,  Embassy of Finland to the Republic of Kenya
  • In charge of political and regional issues (Sudan, Somalia, Uganda) as well as UN- issues

01.07.2000 | 30.06.2001

  • Assistant European Correspondent, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
  • Assistant to the European Correspondent and Deputy European Correspondent on issues pertaining to coordination of EU Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP)

01.04.2000 | 30.06.2000

  • Attaché, Permanent Mission of Finland to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
  • Assisting Senior Officials and Officers on matters pertaining to the OSCE Code of conduct on small arms and the countries of Central Asia

01.02. 1999 | 31.03.2000

  • Attaché, Unit for Middle East and Northern Africa, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
  • Assisting senior officials on matters pertaining to the Barcelona- process and EU- policy and cooperation with the countries of the Persian Gulf and Iran

01.04. 1998 | 31.01.1999

  • EU-Assistant, Ministry for Education of Finland
  • Assisting Officials on EU- matters in the field of education (primary and secondary education, vocational training)

01.04. 1997 | 31.03. 1998

  • Teacher, The Alkio College, Korpilahti, Finland
  • Teaching general history and history of culture



  • 1990 | 1996
  • Master of Arts
  • University of Jyväskylä
  • History, Political Science, History of Finland, Philosophy



  • Mother tongue: Finnish
  • Other languages: English, Swedish, French, German, Hungarian



  • Married, three children
  • Military Service (Finland) June 1989- May 1999
  • Hobbies: running, mountain biking, literature and history


It is an honour and a privilege to represent the European Union in the youngest country of the world, the Republic of South Sudan.

South Sudan is a fascinating, captivating country, very rich in culture and traditions, natural resources and amazing nature. Its troublesome and often tragic history are reflected in today’s humanitarian crises and security concerns. The EU is there to support South Sudan to overcome these hurdles and pave way to a brighter future where the human and natural potential of the country can be unlocked.

The EU is a partner in the implementation of the 2018 peace accord, the Revitalised Agreement on the resolution of the conflict in the Republic of South Sudan. EU funds directly the institutional arrangements underpinning the Agreement and renders support to the various reforms such as legal reforms and public financial management the parties to the agreement committed themselves. By 2025, the transitional period of that agreement should be brought to a successful conclusion with free and fair elections having been held and a permanent constitution reflecting the will and the vision of the South Sudanese being in place.  Re-establishing and maintaining peace, security, rule of law and a conducive environment for civic engagement are all preconditions to this success. The civil society and particularly women and youth should have their voices heard in these processes.  

I am proud that for the first time since the independence of the country, the EU has a multiannual development programme in South Sudan. The Multiannual Indicative Programme runs from 2021 to 2027 and amounts to 208 million euro. It covers the areas of green and resilient economy, human development, education and health and good governance, peace and rule of law. In addition, we are working closely with our colleagues on the humanitarian side to help render life-saving aid for the unfortunately still very large number of South Sudanese who need it.

I am looking forward to my tenure here at the banks of the eternal Nile. Creating a new constitution and having its first democratic elections would be pivotal moments in any country’s history! I hope to be meeting South Sudanese from all walks of life and all parts of the country when fulfilling my duties.