EU Ambassador's Lecture on EU Foreign Policy delivered to the Zimbabwe Foreign Service Institute

The Ambassador’s lecture covered a wide range of issues of interest to aspiring diplomats, including decision-making in the EU, the changing multilateral order, and how the National Development Strategy 1 serves as roadmap for EU-Zimbabwe development cooperation. It also underlined the tangible outcomes of EU-Africa partnerships, epitomised by the ongoing Global Gateway Initiative, the EU’s offer for sustainable and high-quality infrastructure projects, ensuring lasting benefits for local communities. Ambassador von Kirchmann moreover shared personal advice from his many years of experience in the diplomatic service.

The audience quizzed the Ambassador with questions relating to the ongoing Arrears Clearance and Debt Resolution process, in which the EU co-chairs the Good Governance Track together with the Government, ways to increase private sector investment in Zimbabwe, and how diplomats can effectively promote the values and interests of their home countries abroad.