Ambassador Bader celebrates Europe Day with Orphans, calls for peace

The European Union ambassador to South Sudan on Monday celebrated Europe Day, with the orphans and staff of Juba Orphanage. Europe Day is a day to commemorate the birth of the European Union on 9 May 1950, which is also known as the Schuman’s Declaration.  

“We know commodity prices have increased due to the Russian Aggression on Ukraine and global warming thereby making it difficult for such centres to continue feeding these children,” said H.E. Christian Bader.

“To help Juba Orphanage, we, the European Union, are providing these children with assorted food items. They include maize flour, rice, beans, sugar, cooking oil, onions and some salt.”

Ambassador Christian Bader and his Deputy Dionyz Hochel at Juba Orphanage on May 9.

The European diplomat along with Central Equatoria State officials from the Ministry of Gender, Child and Social Welfare, reiterated the need for peace, saying most of the orphans in the country are victims of war.

Mr Ayeko

“The youth are the future of South Sudan and we all have to take care of them right now to make sure they will be able to participate in building the country," he stressed.

According to the Director of Juba Orphanage, Angelo Kenyi, the centre has 65 children and 35 staff helping the children 24 hours daily.

Ellie Sworo, Director of the Friends of Juba Orphanage, cited shortage of food and scholastic materials, erratic electricity, absence of a medical facility and dining hall as key challenges facing the orphans.



Since independence and before, EU has been one of the most important key-partners on development, humanitarian and peace support for South Sudan. At this moment, only on development support, EU has ongoing support for more than 300 MEUR. EU’s development support goes to key sectors, such as agricultural development, education and health and governance, rule of law.