Culture, youth development and a greener future in focus for Europe Month 2024

On 22 May 2024, the students and citizens of Skopje had an opportunity to embark on a unique journey into the past with live performances of Macedonian rock and pop classics.


On a spring-scented evening at the plateau of the University (in the run-up to the day of its patrons, Ss. Cyril and Methodius), young musicians performed their takes on some of the greatest Macedonian rock and pop hits from the past decades. Bringing back music - and other - memories (against a backdrop of images of partying in Skopje from the 1960s to the 1980s) while giving them a contemporary twist – to the delight of some 3,500 spectators – from different generations. All this overseen and introduced by the legendary radio host and DJ Dragan B. Kostikj. Amid local food and drinks stands there were stalls  selling books translated into Macedonian thanks to  the ‘Creative Europe’ programme and a vinyl pop-up store. 

The concert was the main public event organised by the EU Delegation, through the Europe House network, on the occasion of Europe Day. It came towards the end of a month full of activities celebrating the EU in all its diversity, while also highlighting the importance of youth participation and the Green Agenda.

Europe Houses outside Skopje (Kriva Palanka, Strumica, Bitola, Veles – and the newly opened ones in Struga and Tetovo) offered rich cultural and educational programmes for local people, including in neighbouring towns. There were many concerts, the production of Green Deal-inspired-murals on public spaces, exhibitions and workshops on biodiversity. In Veles there was a tasting of wines from North Macedonia and several EU Member States illustrating how economy and culture can work together across many countries. 

The traditional EU reception took place on 14 May, this time at a completely different venue. Laboratorium, a former printing works of the oldest newspaper in North Macedonia, today turned into a creative hub, was a runner up in the European Commission’s 2024 New Bauhaus competition.

The venue was decked with symbols of the green revolution and packed with guests from all walks of life, especially the new generation. As EU Ambassador David Geer described it, ‘Laboratorium brings together past and future, creativity and innovation and most of all young people’.