Europe Day celebrations in Mauritius and Seychelles

Every year on 9 May, Europe Day is commemorated as a celebration of European unity, values and achievements. This year, against the backdrop of the tragic war in Ukraine, it is with deep emotion but renewed conviction that the European Union (EU) and its Member States have honoured this date and the fundamental principles on which the European Union is built: peace, the rule of law, democracy, freedom, human dignity and solidarity.

In those times where war has come back to the European continent, and after two years of an isolating and damaging pandemic, it was more important than ever for the EU to come together with its valued partners who are often key collaborators in those very successes Europe Day is meant to celebrate. It is thus with great pleasure and pride that the EU gathered with Mauritius and Seychelles to celebrate Europe Day and look back on an enduring and fruitful collaboration with these countries.

Europe Day 2022 in Mauritius

Obstructed by the COVID-19 pandemic since 2019, 2022 marked the first significant Europe Day celebrations in Mauritius in 3 years. Still abiding by local sanitary protocols limiting to 50 participants, a high-level diplomatic reception was held on 9 May 2022 at the local EU Residence and saw the attendance of the highest dignitaries of the country.

Were present at the event the President, Mr Prithvirajsing Roopun, the Vice-President, Mr Eddy Boissezon, the Prime Minister, Mr Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, the Minister of Land Transport and MFA, Mr Alan Ganoo as well as members of the diplomatic corps (including local French ambassador, Ms Florence Caussé-Tissier) and other personalities.

A three-minute video highlighting 51 years of a rich and longstanding partnership between Mauritius and the EU was displayed for the attendees. During his address at the reception, the EU ambassador, Mr Vincent Degert, focused on this fruitful and long lasting collaboration between Mauritius and the EU, going over the many joint accomplishments realised in terms of trade, climate change, maritime security, COVID, Mauritius' delisting from the FATF's black list and children's law to name a few.

With the residence bathed in blue and yellow hues, colours of Europe but also of Ukraine, the ambassador shared his hope for a swift return to peace and expressly thanked the Mauritian government for their unfailing support to UN principles, the respect of international law and justice.


Europe Day 2022 in Seychelles

2022 Europe day celebrations in Seychelles marked a special occasion as it was the first time that the event was properly celebrated in the country.

The event was held on 6 May 2022 in the presence of the highest dignitaries of the country. Were present at the event the President, Wavel Ramkalawan, the Vice-President, Ahmed Afif, numerous Ministers, local French ambassador, Dominique Mas, as well as other members of the diplomatic corps and other personalities.

Held on the French frigate, Le Floreal, present in Seychelles after a successful drug seizure in the context of the EUNAVFOR Atalanta mission, and with the added presence of the adjacent Italian frigate, Bergami, the reception presented a great symbolic opportunity to reaffirm the commitment and readiness of the EU to further collaboration with Seychelles in terms of maritime security.

During his speech, the EU ambassador, Mr Vincent Degert, went over the numerous areas of successful EU-Seychelles collaboration including climate, financial assistance, and sustainable development, amongst others. Once again, the Ukrainian war represented an strong point of the address, with the ambassador stressing the importance of international solidarity to preserve global stability and thanking the Seychellois administration for their unwavering support to upholding the UN Charter, respecting international law as well as condemning the crimes that are being committed.

The ambassador closed on a quote from Kofi Annan: "Without progress there is no peace, and without peace there is no progress."