Inauguration of Mahé’s biggest Fisheries Facility at Anse aux Pins, Seychelles

Mr Wavel Ramkalawan, the President of the Republic of Seychelles and H.E.Mr Oskar Benedikt, the Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Seychelles inaugurated a new fisheries facility at Anse-aux-Pins on 28 June 2024.

Mr Jean-François Ferrari, Designated Minister, Minister for Fisheries and the Blue Economy, H.E.Ms Olivia Berkeley-Christmann, Ambassador of France in Seychelles, representatives from the Seychelles Fishing Authority as well as several members of the fishermen community of the region participated in the ceremony that was held on the eve of Seychelles’ Independence Day.

The construction of this new facility, which amounts to 1.5 million Euros, started in 2021 with the aim to respond to artisanal fishers’ demand for gear stores and a more modern hygienic fish market.

The newly inaugurated fisheries facility, the biggest in Mahé Island, comprises of a new fish market, twenty gear stores, an ice plant, administrative office, a seawall, a slipway and pontoon. It will be managed by the Seychelles Fishing Authority.

Boat owners, fishermen and their families as well as the local community are expected to benefit from this new facility.

In his speech, H.E.Mr Oskar Benedikt highlighted the important role of the artisanal fishers in the Seychellois community and acknowledged the numerous challengers they face to land their catches, store and sell their fish in sanitary conditions and to ensure a stable income for their families. The Ambassador reassured the Seychellois fishermen of the European Union’s support to facilitate their work and improve their livelihoods. He affirmed that support to artisanal fisheries is part of the EU’s values and priorities reflected in the EU-Seychelles Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement.

The Anse aux Pins facility is the ninth fisheries facility built as part of the European Union’s sectorial support to the fisheries sector.

The EU has a long lasting partnership with Seychelles in the fisheries area, with the first Fisheries Partnership signed in 1987. Under the 2020-2026 Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement, the EU has pledged support to Seychelles for the development of their fisheries industry. This agreement represents more than a commercial arrangement; it provides significant socio-economic advantages to both the Seychelles and the EU. While the Seychelles benefits from ensured access to European markets, the EU benefits from a reliable and stable supply of high-quality seafood. The Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement provides for supervision and control of fishing activities and for scientific research and cooperation, leading to a sustainable management of Seychelles’ marine resources.