"Saima Comics 2024: Continuing the legend" competition among artists and comic creators launched in Kyrgyzstan

"Saima Comics 2024: Continuing the legend " contest among comic artists and creators has started in Kyrgyzstan. The contest is organized by the French Alliance and the Goethe-Institut within the framework of the project of the Franco-German Cultural Institute in Kyrgyzstan, in cooperation with the "Tamchy Tasma" public fund, with the support of the EU Delegation in Kyrgyzstan.


The goal of the project is to show the rich culture and art of Kyrgyzstan through comics and connect them with the history of Kyrgyzstan. By adapting selected folk tales, myths, and legends into comics, this project provides an opportunity for artists and comic creators from all over Kyrgyzstan to express their unique stories and raise questions about cultural identity through comic art, and to develop their skills, as well as expand their knowledge.

Creative works will be accepted from April 19 to May 3, 2024. The results will be announced on May 18 at the Museum of Fine Arts as part of the "Night of Museums-2024" event. Participation in the competition is carried out through this page:


1st and 2nd place winners will have the opportunity to participate in the German Bilderbuchfestival comic festival in November in Germany.  Third and fourth place winners will receive a professional drawing board and Kanzler store certificates.

All conditions of the competition and news of the event are on the @micson.club Instagram page.



Gulnur Kanat

Project manager, director of the public fund "Tamchy Tasma".


+996 772 672 244

+996 702 672 244


Jamilya Zharkynbaeva

Project Assistant

+996 555 913 503