The European Union sets out joint priority areas for cooperation with the Kyrgyz Republic


The European Union (EU) has set out the joint priority areas for cooperation with the Kyrgyz Republic through the newly adopted Multiannual Indicative Programme (MIP) for 2021-2027.

The EU will provide funding amounting to EUR 62 million in grants for the initial four years to reinforce our bilateral cooperation and advance our common interests in the following areas:

  1. Governance and digitalisation
  2. Human development
  3. Green and climate resilient economy

The priority of governance focuses on promoting and advancing the rule of law, good governance and digital transformation. Secondly, Human development supports an inclusive and quality education system, improving digital, media and green skills, promoting gender equality and human rights. Thirdly, the green and climate resilient economy priority includes advancing efficient and integrated water resource management and boosting green business development.

Ambassador Eduard Auer, Head of the EU Delegation to the Kyrgyz Republic, said: “The European Union has a long-standing partnership with the Kyrgyz Republic as a major and reliable development partner. Today, we are marking a step in our cooperation, by committing ourselves to long-term support for governance, digitalisation, education, green growth and other areas of mutual interest. The new multiannual programme is a strong proof of the EU’s continuous support to Kyrgyz people.”

Budget support will remain a preferred implementation modality. The financial allocation for 2025-2027 will be determined following a review in 2024.

With the new MIP for 2021-2027, the EU commits to support the priorities defined in consultation with the Kyrgyz authorities and EU Member States. Other key stakeholders have been consulted, in particular civil society organisations, local authorities, representatives from the private sector, the United Nations and other partners.

The agreed priorities will be implemented in partnership with the European Union Member States in a Team Europe approach. The three priority areas are in line with the UN’s 2030 Agenda, the Paris Agreement and the EU’s Global Gateway Strategy.

The bilateral programme will be complemented by additional resources to support regional cooperation and priority thematic issues such as the ERASMUS+ Higher Education Programme, trade development, security and scientific cooperation. Support to civil society and human rights will remain a major part of the EU’s cooperation with Kyrgyzstan in line with the new EU Roadmap for Cooperation with Civil Society in Kyrgyzstan.

More info

Multiannual Indicative Programme (MIP) for the Kyrgyz Republic for 2021-2027

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