The European Union's relationship with Venezuela is framed by the New Agenda for EU-Latin America and Caribbean Relations, highlighted in the conclusions of the EU-CELAC Summit held in July 2023 in Brussels. It proposes a modernised and stronger strategic partnership, through strengthened political dialogue, stimulating trade and investment, and fostering more sustainable, fair and interconnected societies.

The European Union has always supported, together with its Venezuelan and international partners, a peaceful, democratic and inclusive Venezuelan-led solution to end the political stalemate of recent years. The EU therefore offers its support to all actors to facilitate the implementation of the political agreement signed in Barbados on 17 October 2023, which represents a positive and necessary step in the continuation of the dialogue process towards fair, transparent and competitive elections by 2024.


The EU is the world's leading donor in development cooperation. Through its main financial instrument for external action (2021-2027), the "Neighbourhood, Development Cooperation and International Cooperation Instrument - Global Europe" (NDICI-Global Europe), the European Union will:

  • support and encourage dialogue and cooperation with third countries in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and the Pacific, and the Americas and the Caribbean;
  • promote democracy, the rule of law and human rights in support of greater stability and peace;
  • responding rapidly to situations of crisis, instability and conflict.

Thematic Cooperation

The European Union periodically sets priority thematic areas for its cooperation work with the International Community, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and Local Authorities (LAs) that can receive direct EU funding through calls for proposals. Currently in Venezuela, the European Union works mainly with Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and United Nations agencies. Through these partners, the EU works to support the promotion and protection of human rights, human dignity, inclusion, democratic participation and resilience at the community level in access to basic services and food security.

Projects selected under these calls for proposals will be awarded a grant contract between the European Union and the beneficiary for the funding and implementation of their project.

Regional Cooperation

Regional cooperation programmes strengthen relations between Latin America and the European Union by exchanging experiences and creating networks, while creating links between countries within the region. These programmes address interventions in the areas of security, governance and social cohesion, environmental sustainability and climate change.

In addition, there are global programmes such as Erasmus+ aimed at fostering exchanges and cooperation between European, Venezuelan and other universities, professors, research institutes and researchers, as well as including scholarships and mobility for students between Europe and Venezuela.


EU humanitarian funding ensures the provision of critical relief assistance to the most vulnerable groups such as children under 5 years (mainly nutrition) and children under 18 (comprehensive), pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers, older people, and indigenous groups.

The funding will help people in need in Venezuela and communities in the neighboring countries hosting migrants and refugees. Interventions focus in primary sectors on:

  • Health and Nutrition
  • Education in Emergencies (with support to school feeding programs)
  • Protection (with a focus on documentation and GBV)
  • Coordination, Food security, Shelter, and Water, sanitation, and hygiene have been supporting sectors for all the operations.

Since 2016, the EU has allocated €390 million in emergency humanitarian aid for Venezuela. EU humanitarian aid in Venezuela is exclusively channeled through our humanitarian partners on the ground. The funding strictly adheres to the humanitarian principles of independence, impartiality, and neutrality to ensure it reaches the people most in need.

Cultural Ties

The close cultural ties which, for historical reasons, the EU Member States have with Venezuela are reflected in a policy of active cultural promotion which helps to consolidate cultural relations between the two regions.

Multiculturalism is a characteristic that represents the EU and is reflected through various forms of artistic expression. The art, literature and music of Europe are the result of diversity and commitment to interculturality.

Some of the activities we carry out throughout the year are:


  • European Festival of Young Soloists, with El Sistema as a great ally.
  • Eurovenezuelan Jazz Festival, which reflects the cultural diversity of both regions.
  • Promotion of academic relations through the Erasmus+ programme.
  • Promotion of the European film industry through the European Film Festival.
  • A varied cultural programme presented by the cultural offices of the various embassies and by various organizations: