Message from the Ambassador

H.E. Lucie Berger, Ambassador of the European Union to the United Arab Emirates

Dear Friends,

Welcome to the European Union Delegation to the United Arab Emirates website. It is with great honour that I assume my role as the Ambassador of the European Union to the United Arab Emirates.

My name is Lucie Berger, and I bring with me a wealth of experience in international affairs, trade, and climate action cultivated during my dedicated service to the European Union.

My journey within the EU began in 2006, and since then, I have had the privilege of serving in diverse roles. Most recently, I oversaw all trade negotiations related to climate actions, and the implementation of climate measures in trade policy at the European Commission, reinforcing the EU's commitment to sustainable practices.

Previously, I represented the EU in prestigious international organizations such as the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) in Geneva, Switzerland. During this time, I negotiated on behalf of the EU and its Member States in the respective UN bodies. As an example, I played a pivotal role in the development of a digital diplomacy strategy in Geneva—an increasingly critical facet of modern diplomacy.

My tenure as the Head of Trade and Economic Affairs at the EU Delegation in Riyadh between 2015 and 2018 allowed me to focus on formulating trade and economic cooperation policies between the EU and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) as well as its six members, including the UAE. In this role, I launched for example the EU-GCC Trade and Investment Dialogue and initiated the EU-GCC Dialogue on Economic Diversification project.

From 2012 to 2015, I served as a Policy Officer for Climate Action in the Middle East and North Africa region and the Gulf, where I actively shaped a cooperative strategy for climate action ahead of the Paris COP21 and the consequent Paris Agreement. This encompassed bilateral and regional initiatives, including organizations like the Union for the Mediterranean, League of Arab States, and the Gulf Cooperation Council.

My academic foundation comprises a Master's degree in European Integration from the University of Economics in Prague and a Bachelor's degree in International Trade. These qualifications have endowed me with a profound grasp of European law, policies, economics, diplomacy, and international relations.

As I embark on this distinguished role, my primary commitment is to enhance the already robust partnership between the EU and the UAE. The UAE holds a unique place in our multifaceted engagement, and I am resolute in advancing collaboration in areas including trade, climate action, security, and more.

The EU and the UAE are closer than ever, through the cooperation agreement between the European External Action Service and the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation signed in 2018, our political dialogue officially launched in July 2019, and the recent EU strategic partnership with the Gulf, launched in 2022. These milestones underscore our commitment to a deeper and more comprehensive relationship with the UAE, and I look forward to enhancing its continued growth over the coming years.

I encourage you to stay connected with us through the EU Delegation's website and our social media channels @EUintheUAE, including X, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn as well as my personal account @BergerLucie. Your engagement and interest are vital as we collectively work towards shared objectives.

Warm regards,

H.E. Lucie Berger

Ambassador of the European Union to the United Arab Emirates