Ever since Türkiye was declared an accession candidate by the European Council in December 1999, the relationship between Ankara and Brussels has constantly been developing. The Delegation of the European Union to Türkiye seeks to meet the needs that rise from the intense and multidimensional ties, with around 180 Turkish and European Union experts working together to carry out this mission.


Delegation of the European Union to Türkiye
Address: Uğur Mumcu Cad. No:88, GOP Ankara
Telephone: (+90) (312) 459 87 00
Fax: (+90) (312) 446 67 37
E-mail: delegation-turkiye@eeas.europa.eu
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    Turkey and EU flags

    Türkiye and EU flags.

What we do

Building cooperation between the EU and Türkiye

Türkiye's involvement with European integration dates back to 1959 and includes the Ankara Association Agreement (1963) for the progressive establishment of a Customs Union (ultimately set up in 1995).

Accession negotiations started in 2005, but until Türkiye agrees to apply the Additional Protocol of the Ankara Association Agreement to Cyprus, eight negotiation chapters will not be opened and no chapter will be provisionally closed.

Under the Lisbon Treaty, entered into force on 1st December 2009, the Delegation of the European Union to Türkiye has four main missions:

  • In the external relations field, to report on Türkiye's foreign policy and to represent the European Union at diplomatic level.
  • In relations to the Customs Union between Türkiye and the EU, to monitor economic, financial and trade developments in Türkiye, as well as the implementation of the Customs Union's provisions.
  • In the framework of the EU accession negotiations, to monitor Türkiye's progress in meeting the requirements of the political criteria and the acquis and to assist the unfolding of the negotiations. In this context, the Delegation reports to Headquarters on a daily basis in view of the Commission's Country Report.
  • As a diplomatic mission, the Delegation of the European Union to Türkiye operates under the terms of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and is managed by a Head of Delegation who is accredited to the President of the Republic of Türkiye with the rank of ambassador.
  • The Delegation maintains close contacts and coordinates its work with the embassies of the member states of the EU accredited to Türkiye.
  • The Delegation also maintains a wide range of contacts with public authorities, political parties, business circles, academia and think tanks, civil society organisations and cultural operators. In addition, it implements a comprehensive information and communication programme aimed at fostering the visibility and understanding of the European Union, its values and its activities in Türkiye.


Through our website, we aim to provide you with information on the European Union, as well as on Türkiye's accession process to the Union. Since our principal goal is to provide accessible, accurate and up-to-date information to the Turkish public, a large part of the website is in Turkish.

If you have any comments or suggestions on our website, please send them to the address below:

Delegation of the European Union to Türkiyedelegation-turkiye@eeas.europa.eu

Delegation of the European Union to TÜRKİYE

50 Years

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    EUD 50 years

Our office

Meet our team

Head of Delegation: Ambassador Nikolaus MEYER-LANDRUT

Deputy Head of Delegation:


Political, Press and Information

S. FANTARONI, Head of Section

Trade and Economy

D. OLEWINSKI, Head of Section

Programme Communication

R. JANUŠAUSKAS, Head of Section


O. COMO, Head of Cooperation

  • Civil Society, Fundamental Rights, Judiciary and Home Affairs

A. FRICKE, Head of Section

  • Green Development and Inclusive Growth

V. VIMPARI, Head of Section

  • Human and Social Development

L. GUIRKINGER, Head of Section

Finance, Contracts and Audit

A. JOARIS, Head of Section


R. PAULEAU, Head of Administration