Ambassador Aidan O'Hara the new European Union Ambassador to Sudan
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    Aidan O'Hara, Ambassador of the European Union to Sudan

Welcome Message from the Ambassador

Thank you for taking the time to check out the work of the Delegation.

The European Union is a treaty-based organisation that has 27 Member States, whose aim is to promote peace, its values and the well-being of its people.  The Union’s action on the international scene is guided by numerous principles, including democracy, the rule of law, solidarity and respect for the United Nations Charter.  It builds partnerships with other countries and promotes multilateral solutions to common problems.

The partnership we have built with the Republic of Sudan is the fruit of over 40 years’ work.  We have been here for decades, supporting the Sudanese people through development programmes and humanitarian assistance and we will continue to do so.

The European Union remains committed to the genuine, just and peaceful transition to democracy for which the people of Sudan are striving.  This will be Sudanese-led and Sudanese-owned and its success will crucial for peace and stability in the Horn of Africa and the Red Sea region.

The team at the Delegation is keen to meet as many Sudanese stakeholders as possible from all backgrounds, to exchange views, listen carefully and learn about their hopes and aspirations for the future.  No matter how long it takes, we will continue to support the transition process until democracy prevails. We want what the people of Sudan want: a political system that can deliver the peace and prosperity that every Sudanese citizen should enjoy.

Here you will find news and information on the European Union, its relationship with Sudan, on our cooperation projects and many other activities. Please also follow the Delegation on Facebook  and Twitter for up-dates on our activities.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the EU team via email:

Thank you, 

Aidan O'Hara, Ambassador of the European Union to Sudan.

Get to know the ambassador

The Official Curriculum Vitae of H.E. Ambassador Aidan O’HARA
Head of Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of the Sudan
Born: 11 June 1964

Educated: BA Legal Science – Trinity College, Dublin
Barrister-at Law degree, Kings Inns, Dublin

2022-Present Ambassador of the European Union to Sudan
2019-2022 Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Djibouti and the International Governmental Authority for Development (IGAD)
2018-2019 Director of European Division -Department of Foreign Affairs, Ireland
2017 Director of Policy Planning - Department of Foreign Affairs, Ireland
2012-2016 Ambassador accredited to Ethiopia, South Sudan and African Union Embassy of Ireland, Addis Ababa
2011-2012 Director - Department of Foreign Affairs, Ireland-Trade and promotion Division
2009- 2011 Counsellor - Department of Foreign Affairs, Ireland-Promoting Ireland Abroad Division
2009-2009 Counsellor - Department of Foreign Affairs, Ireland-Economic Division
2005-2009 Deputy Head of Mission - Embassy of Ireland, Paris
2001-2005 First Secretary - Embassy of Ireland, London
1999-2001 Press Officer - Department of Foreign Affairs, Ireland-Press Section
1995-1999 First Secretary - Embassy of Ireland, Prague
1994-1995 Assistant to Chief of Protocol - Department of Foreign Affairs, Ireland- Protocol Division
1993-1993 Third Secretary - Department of Foreign Affairs, Ireland-Press Section
1989-1993 Third Secretary - Embassy of Ireland, Paris
1986-1989 Third Secretary - Department of Foreign Affairs, Ireland-Economic Division