The Delegation of the European Union in Peru was opened in March 1991. The Delegation is also responsible for the relations with the Andean Community, whose General Secretariat is also in the Peruvian capital.  Since the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty in December 2009, it is known as Delegation of the European Union. This development reflects the strengthening of the European integration as well as the deepening of the relations between the EU and Peru.

The European Delegation in Peru is part of a global network of 141 Delegations depending on the European External Action Service (EEAS), which work closely with the diplomatic missions of the EU Member States. The Delegations and the EEAS support Mr Josep Borrell in his functions as Chief of the European Diplomacy. The objective is to achieve greater coherence in EU’s external action worldwide, according to its commercial and economic role and its ambitions to face the main global challenges such as multilateralism, climate change, energy, peace, conflict resolution, democracy and good governance.

Located in San Isidro, Lima, the Delegation of the European Union has the status of Diplomatic Mission and fulfils tasks similar to an Embassy. The Delegation of the European Union in Peru coordinates and supervises the political and economic relations as well as the development cooperation between the EU and Peru. Its mandate is to monitor the implementation of EU policies, promote and defend EU’s values and interests and manage its cooperation programmes. It is also responsible for providing analysis of the political, economic and social situation in Peru to European institutions and transmit the Peruvian government’s expectations to the European authorities.

The Delegation does not perform consular responsabilities, which are competences of Member States. Therefore, it does not issue visas or passports.

The Delegation does not offer grants for individuals or enterprises beyond the call for proposals that can be consulted here.

The Delegation is led by Ambassador Gaspar Frontini since September 2021.

  • Image
    EU Beach Clean UP in Peru

    EU Beach Clean UP in Peru.

    Copyright: EU

Our Mission

We represent the EU before Peruvian authorities

  • To promote political and economic relations between Peru and the EU. 
  • To inform the Peruvian public about the development of the EU, and explain and defend community policies. 
  • To oversee the monitoring of bilateral relations in the areas of politics, economy, trade and cooperation. 
  • To promote and defend the values and interests of the EU, especially within the field of cooperation
  • To cooperate with public entities and civil society organizations represented in Peru. 
  • To provide direct humanitarian aid through the offices of the European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department (ECHO). 
  • To participate in the proper functioning of the Common Foreign and Security Policy. 

Our Office

European Union in Peru 

Víctor Andrés Belaúnde 332, 
5to piso (Edificio CROMO), San Isidro 

Tlf: +51 1 4150800 
Fax: +51 1 4214563 

Head of Delegation 

Gaspar Frontini 

Ambassador of the European Union in Peru 

Head of the Political, Press and Communication Section 

Narcisa Vladulescu

Head of the Economic and Trade Section 

Olivier Coupleux

Head of Section Cooperation

Jerome Poussielgue

Head of Contracts and Finance Section 

Javier Calvo

Head of Administration Section 

Kristina Vareikyte-Zapata

  • Image
    European Union to Peru Office

    European Union’s office in Peru