Handbook on Cybersecurity: Cybersecurity is a collective responsibility


On 20 November 2018, Austria launched its latest publication on the common security and defence policy. The Handbook on Cybersecurity is a collection of articles by European experts from various backgrounds. It gives a good overview of the strategies, policies, stakeholders and (re-)emerging challenges and threats in the cyber domain.

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Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the Commission, stated: 'The internet has been a global force for human development since the early days of its inception. Yet, in recent times, we are all increasingly aware of the threats circulating on the web. I am convinced that cyberspace can be at the same time safe and open, and that the opportunities of global connectivity outnumber its dangers by far. If we want to preserve and expand these opportunities, we must also invest in the security and the governance of our cyberspace.'

The handbook gathered input from both practitioners and academics. Several high-ranking officials from cyber-related institutes, agencies and bodies contributed to its successful publication, such as Catherine de Bolle, Executive Director of Europol; Jorge Domecq, Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency; Udo Helmbrecht, Executive Director of the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security; Gustav Lindstrom, Director of the European Union Institute for Security Studies; Francois Rivasseau, EU Special Envoy for Space; and Matti Saarelainen, Director of the European Centre of Excellence countering Hybrid Threats.

The Austrian Defence Minister, Mr Mario Kunasek, described the efforts undertaken by the European Security and Defence College as follows: 'Training and education in the cyber domain is essential. Austria therefore very much welcomes the establishment of the new Cyber Education, Training, Evaluation and Exercise (ETEE) platform within the European Security and Defence College, which will provide basic to advanced-level training for officials from EU Member States and partner countries. The Cyber ETEE platform will not be able to score quick wins, but in the medium to longer term it will provide our Member States with the knowledgeable personnel needed to tackle the threats encountered on the internet.'

Federica Mogherini concluded: 'In a global context where security is never just a matter of traditional defence and where the real world merges with the cyberworld, cybersecurity is a collective responsibility. It calls on each and every one of us, citizens of Europe, to invest in the most powerful tool we have to exercise our sovereignty, advance our interests and stand by our values: our European Union.'

Jochen Rehrl (ed.): Handbook on Cybersecurity. The Common Security and Defence Policy of the European Union. Forewords by Federica Mogherini and Mario Kunasek. Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Austria. Vienna 2017. ISBN: 978-92-95201-10-1

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