The Government of Sierra Leone launches Bandajuma


The Government of Sierra Leone launches Bandajuma – Liberia road and bridges rehabilitation project funded by the European Union in the amount of Le720 billion (105 million Euro)

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The Government of Sierra Leone accompanied by the European Union on Wednesday 25 May officially launched the largest infrastructural project for a total amount of 105 million Euros, covering 100km of roads and 3 bridges between Sierra Leone and Liberia. The roads will open the main gateway to Liberia, restoring a vital link between the neighbouring countries.

During the launch, His Excellency President Koroma said, "My government has continued to emphasize on road infrastructural development because we recognize that it is crucial in opening up the country, in creating jobs and in stimulating the economy. This requires huge capital and the European Union has proven to be a strong and dependable partner in implementing this agenda. We would ensure that the Bandajuma - Liberia Border road, like other infrastructural projects, is implemented on time and within the technical specifications and budget provided."

In his contribution, Ambassador Peter Versteeg, Head of Delegation of the European Union said, "The EU continues to make a significant contribution to the development of regional infrastructure in Sierra Leone, improving access of citizens to services and markets and generating employment. This project will significantly boost livelihoods and trade between Sierra Leone and Liberia, and also greatly improve accessibility in the Bo and Pujehun districts".

The project will connect Sierra Leone and Liberia with an all-weather road suitable for international traffic. It builds on previous European Union transport sector cooperation projects in Sierra Leone aimed at restoring major national axes and promoting regional integration, including the Freetown-Conakry and Masiaka-Bo highways. The project, financed under the European Development Fund, includes two components:

The first will see the construction of three new bridges over the Sewa River (225m long, at the South of Bo), Wanjie River (82m long, in Bandajuma) and Moa River (162m long) along the road between Bo and the Liberia border. The second component will consist in upgrading of 99 km of road to an all-weather standard from Bandajuma to the Liberian border. Work has commenced and is expected to last for approximately three years.

This project reaffirms the strategic partnership of the Government of Sierra Leone and the European Union in delivering renewed infrastructure in Sierra Leone that will contribute to economic diversification and development. 


The framework of development cooperation between Sierra Leone and the European Union dates back to 1975 graduating into the current Cotonou Partnership Agreement which continues until 2020. Under the 10th EDF European Union support to Sierra Leone amounted to a total of EUR 301 million in the form of grants. This figure has been topped-up with an initial amount of EUR 376 million under the 11th EDF for the period 2014 to 2020.   

Under the 11th European Development Fund (EUR 376 million), Sierra Leone will benefit from EU support and financing for the areas of infrastructure, education, agriculture and governance, in addition to opportunities for regional infrastructure and economic integration under the regional indicative programme for West Africa, which will bring on stream some EUR 1.15 billion for the region.

The European Union, through the European Commission Directorate General for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management (DG ECHO), the Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development and through the EU Member States remains a major donor for the Government of Sierra Leone's Ebola Response and Recovery programmes.

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