SEMAH - Conflict prevention and promotion of intercultural dialogue in Mauritania


"Semah", which literally means tolerance or forgiveness, is a project specifically dedicated to Mauritanian youth to encourage them to express themselves, to participate in defining the policies that concern them and to contribute to the implementation of economic, social and human development projects.


General objective: to help prevent violent extremism, defuse community conflicts and promote interculturality in Mauritania, in line with the relevant strategies of the Mauritanian government and in particular the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport.

Specific objectives : 

  • SO1: support the improvement and increase in the range of services available to young people ;
  • SO2: to support the implementation and advocacy of civil society organisations working with young people in the fields of conflict prevention and violent radicalisation, the promotion of civic culture, intercultural and religious dialogue and the role of women.

Expected results :

  • OS1/R1 The institutional strengthening of the Ministry of Youth and Sport, its regional delegations, as well as municipalities and all other institutions involved in the National Strategy for Youth, Sport and Leisure (SNJSL) is supported.
  • OS1/R2 The provision of services that have an impact on defusing potential community conflicts and/or those linked to religious extremism among young people is increased and improved.
  • OS2/R3 Initiatives by civil society organisations for and with young people in the fields of conflict prevention and violent radicalisation, the promotion of civic culture, intercultural and religious dialogue and the role of women are supported.
4 400 000 €
En cours
Youth, security (via the prevention of radicalisation and violent extremism), public services (culture, sport, civil society organisations), participatory democracy and citizenship, intercultural dialogue, etc.
Contact Details

Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport

Mr. Boukhreiss -

Baham Ejiwen -

Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport
11th European Development Fund (EDF)