Guatemala: Statement by the Spokesperson on sentencing former anti-corruption prosecutor Virginia Laparra

10.07.2024 EEAS Press Team

The European Union (EU) is concerned about the latest court sentence handed down on 8 July to Virginia Laparra, a former senior prosecutor who had been active in investigating high-level corruption in Guatemala. 

The EU has previously denounced efforts to intimidate independent Guatemalan judges, lawyers and prosecutors who are investigating corruption and fighting impunity by subjecting them to  criminal charges and investigations.  

The EU remains concerned by efforts to undermine the rule of law through persecution or intimidation of public officials, democratically-elected authorities, civil society, media and judicial operators. We also expresses our continued support for democratically-elected President Arévalo’s efforts to tackle corruption and strengthen the rule of law through his programme of reforms in Guatemala.

Daniel Puglisi
Press Officer for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management/Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 (0)2 29 69140
+32 (0)460 767374
Peter Stano
Lead Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 (0)460 75 45 53