Cairo Water Week 2024 Launching Event

Cairo Water Week 2024

Launching Event

Cairo, 9 July 2024

Opening Remarks by

Ambassador Christian Berger,

Head of the EU Delegation to Egypt

Distinguished guests, colleagues and friends,

It is my great pleasure to welcome you all to the Cairo Water Week 2024 launching event. Today, we will discuss the importance of water as a precious resource that sustains life on our planet.

Water is essential for human existence and the health of our ecosystems, the growth of our economies, and the sustainability of our societies. However, water management and conservation challenges are becoming increasingly complex and urgent.

As we launch the Cairo Water Week 2024, we recognise the critical role of collective action and collaboration to address the water challenges we face. We must work together to find innovative solutions that balance the needs of people, the environment, and economies.

Water is not merely a resource; it is the life elixir of our planet, sustaining ecosystems, economies, and societies alike. Cairo Water Week has emerged as a beacon of international collaboration and dialogue, solidifying its position as a cornerstone event in the Middle East and beyond. Since its inception in 2018, this platform has catalysed crucial conversations and partnerships aimed at addressing our most pressing water challenges.

EU Ambassador to Egypt Christian Berger

The European Union proudly stands as a key organizer of Cairo Water Week and a steadfast supporter of the EU-Egypt Water Partnership. Our strategic and comprehensive partnership with Egypt underscores our shared commitment to enhancing water security and sustainable management practices. Together, we strive to ensure that water remains at the heart of our development agenda, promoting resilience and prosperity for all.

The EU-Egypt partnership extends beyond bilateral cooperation; it embodies a shared commitment to sustainable development and resilience building, with water management as a key pillar.

The partnership aims to enhance Egypt's capacity in integrated water resources management (IWRM), promoting efficient water use, conservation, and equitable distribution. Through collaborative initiatives and technical assistance, the EU supports Egypt's efforts to become a regional hub for transmitting knowledge and best practices in water management. This role not only strengthens Egypt's position as a leader in water governance but also fosters regional cooperation and knowledge exchange among neighbouring countries facing similar challenges.

Cairo Water Week 2024 Launching Event

Furthermore, the EU's support extends to capacity-building programmes, research partnerships, and institutional strengthening, all aimed at empowering local communities and stakeholders in sustainable water management practices. Together, we are working towards a future where water resources are managed wisely, ensuring resilience and prosperity for all.

This year's Cairo Water Week theme underscores the critical nexus between water and climate. Climate change poses unprecedented challenges to our water resources, exacerbating water scarcity and threatening livelihoods. As we convene here, it is imperative that we translate dialogue into action. The outcomes of recent global events, including COP27 and the UN 2023 Conference on Water, highlight a global consensus on the urgency of sustainable water management.

Cairo Water Week 2024 provides a unique opportunity to turn commitments into tangible solutions. It is a forum where stakeholders from across the globe can share knowledge, showcase innovations, and forge partnerships that will shape our water future. Together, we can advance towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal 6, ensuring access to clean water and sanitation for all by 2030.

I am particularly pleased to be here today, to confirm our commitment and support to the Cairo Water Week. The EU contribution to the Cairo Water Week emanated from our commitment to the country's sustainable development Strategy for 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals in the Water Sector in Egypt.  

The EU is partnering with the Ministry on a strategic level and has been involved since the beginning of 2018; we are delighted to be part of that success.

As we look forward to the Cairo Water Week 2024, I urge all of us to redouble our efforts to ensure water resources' sustainability and equitable management. Thank you, and I wish you all a productive and successful event.