DRC: Statement by the Spokesperson on the announcement of a humanitarian truce in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

05.07.2024 EEAS Press Team

The European Union welcomes the announcement of a humanitarian truce in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

The EU praises efforts by the United States of America and strongly welcomes the commitment by both DRC and Rwanda, hoping this humanitarian truce will lead to a permanent ceasefire, and allow to build a sustainable political solution in the context of Luanda and Nairobi processes.

The dramatic humanitarian situation in the region underscores the pressing need to stop the violence immediately. It is also imperative to demobilize all armed groups and end any support to these groups, as stipulated in the EU statement of 4 March 2024.

Aligned with its Great Lakes Strategy, the EU reasserts the importance of addressing the root causes of the crisis and fostering cooperation among the countries in the region. The EU remains steadfast in its readiness to support efforts aimed at securing lasting peace and promoting sustainable development throughout the region.

Nabila Massrali
Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 (0) 2 29 88093
+32 (0) 460 79 52 44
Jennifer Sánchez Da Silva
Press Officer for International Partnerships/Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 (0) 229 58316