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Under the Patronage of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Al Hussein Bin Abdullah II




The European Union-Jordan Business Forum (EUJOBF) is organised by the EU together with its Member States in partnership with the Government of Jordan, represented by the Ministry of Investment, and in close collaboration with the Jordan Europe Business Association (JEBA). The EUJOBF is the first of its kind in Jordan designed for mobilizing EU investments into Jordan and strengthening Jordanian exports into the EU, therefore contributing to the Partnership Priorities between Jordan and the EU.

Through panel discussions, presentations and networking, participants learn about policy orientations, identify trade and investment opportunities, discuss challenges, develop business strategies, and establish durable business partnerships to promote sustainable and inclusive growth in Jordan.

This EUJOBF, in its first edition, aims to provide a platform for displaying opportunities and bring together policymakers, local entrepreneurs, international investors, business support organisations, international financial institutions and diplomatic missions.

Contacts: DELEGATION-JORDAN-BUSINESS-FORUM-2024@eeas.europa.eu


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Theme and focus sectors


EU-HO Business Forum Logos

The forum will be organised under the theme “Digital & Green Jordan: Pioneering the Future of Business” and dedicated thematic sessions will be planned in the fields of Renewable Energy & Green Hydrogen; and Digital and ICT. A third session is co-organised with Jordan Europe Business Association (JEBA) on export opportunities to the EU market.

The EUJOBF 2024 strives to:

  • Expand investment avenues for EU businesses in the Jordanian and regional markets;
  • Provide a platform for networking between Jordanian and EU companies and facilitate business-to-business (B2B) networking opportunities;
  • Showcase success stories of European and Jordanian companies in country;
  • Discuss sustainable initiatives and opportunities in green industries, digital economy and trade.



  •  The Forum

The Forum will comprise public and private sector-led presentations and panel discussions.

  • Exhibition

The forum will offer the space to allow Jordan and European companies, as well as partners, to showcase their products and services. The forum will promote a digital and green exhibition through displayed QR Codes and screens. 

  • B2B and B2G Matchmaking

Business-to-Business and Business-to-Government meetings will be hosted between European investors and local entrepreneurs, and between potential investors and relevant Government agencies. These meetings may take place the day after the forum in order to accommodate field trips as well. 

EU-HO Business Forum Logos

Why Invest in Jordan?

Start-up Culture

Jordan is home to a well-established startup culture; 27 of the region’s top 100 start-ups are from Jordan. The nation’s workforce is incredibly hard-working, which has been proven repeatedly on the international stage. For example, 75% of Arabic Internet content.

Why Invest in Jordan?

Renewable Energy

Jordan ranked first in the Arab world in terms of renewable energy contribution, reflecting Jordan’s leadership in the renewable energy field. ICT infrastructure is also one of the best in the region.

Why Invest in Jordan?

Digital Connectivity

Jordan is home to a wellspring of young, digitally savvy talent, with 52.4% of the population under the age of 24, and fluent in English and Arabic. 65,000 university students graduate every year, 35% of whom specialize in the fields of business, accounting, economics, engineering, and computer science.

Unlock the tech potential Jordan has to offer



Thematic Session 1 “Green Growth & Renewable Energy Investment Sectors”

1. Panel Discussion and roundtable “Sourcing green energy to the world, the Jordan case

  • HE Dr. Saleh KHARABSHEH, Minister of Energy & Mineral Resources to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
  • Dr. Dureid MAHASNEH, Chairman, EDAMA
  • Mr. Jad HREIBE, General Manager, Meridiam Jordan
  • Dr. Matthias SCHMIDT, Head of Spain and MENA, ENERTRAG
  • Mr. Laurent POIRÉ, Country Director Jordan & Lebanon, Egypt development, VEOLIA

2. Presentation and signing ceremony of EU & EBRD “Advise to Small Business – ASB” project providing advisory assistance and capacity building to Jordanian MSMEs and start-ups in all sectors.

Thematic Session 2 “Connectivity & Digital Investment Sectors”

1. Presentation by H.E. Ahmad HANANDEH, Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

2. Panel Discussion and roundtable Take your business to new heights

  • Mr. Mothanna GHARAIBEH, Fifth Advisory Services  
  • Mr. Marwan OMARI, General Manager Jordan, ERICSSON
  • Mr. Karim KAWAR, Chairman, KAWAR GROUP
  • Mr. Nidal BITAR, Chief Executive Officer, INTAJ
  • Eng. Rana AL DABABNEH, Chief Corporate Communication & Sustainability Officer, ORANGE

Thematic Session 3 “Maximizing the potential of Jordan exports to the EU market”

1. Presentation by NAMA Intelligence Solutions, “Assessment on EU’s simplified rules of origin scheme

2. Panel Discussion and Roundtable “Exports: understanding the EU market

  • HE Dana Al ZOUBI, Secretary General, Ministry of Industry, Trade & Supply to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
  • Mr. Omar QARUOUTI, Chief Executive Officer, Jordan Exports
  • Mr. Fathi AL-GHAGHBIR, Chairman, Jordan Chamber of Industry
  • Dr. Maen NSOUR, CEO, Arab Potash Company

Speakers, Moderators & VIPs


Vice-President of the European Investment Bank (EIB)
EIB Vice President

Prior to her appointment as Vice-President, Gelsomina Vigliotti was the Director General for International Financial Relations at the Italian Treasury. Between 2012 and 2015, Ms Vigliotti was the Director for European Union and euro area issues at the Italian Treasury, also serving as Alternate of the Economic and Financial Committee and Alternate Director of the European Stability Mechanism. Vice-President Gelsomina Vigliotti is currently member of the Management Committee of the EIB and Member of the Board of the European Investment Fund.

H.E. Kholoud SAQQAF

Minister of Investment of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Ms. Saqqaf holds a Master's degree in Economics and has more than 25 years’ experience of banking, finance and financial regulation. Ms. Saqqaf has a strong background in Corporate Governance, Internal Control and Islamic Banking. Currently, she serves as the Minister of Investment since October 2022.


CEO of the Jordan Strategy Forum - Moderator for Plenary Session Panel Discussion

With over 25 years of experience collaborating with the public and private sectors, international organizations, and civil society in economic and social development fields, Mrs. Barakat served as the Minister of Social Development, the Minister of Public Sector Development, and the Director of the National Aid Fund. Earlier, she led Jordan’s National Competitiveness Team at the Ministry of Planning. In 2014, she was recognized in Forbes' "200 Most Powerful Arab Women".


Khaled Yacoub OWEIS

Jordan Correspondent, The National - Moderator for the Green Growth & Renewable Energy Session Panel Discussion
Khaled Yacoub Oweis

Journalist with a 29-year record of reporting on politics and economics, running news operations in Arab countries and writing policy papers in Berlin. A specialist in covering the Levant, with a breadth of contacts in the Middle East, and a background in covering international energy markets in London.  


Managing Partner, Amam Venture - Moderator for the Connectivity & Digital Session Panel Discussion
Fida Taher

Fida is the founder of two technology companies; Zaytouneh and Atbaki, creating one of the largest digital food platforms. She served as the ambassador for Women Entrepreneurship Day (WED) in Jordan for the years 2015-2019; WED is a global organization across 144 countries empowering millions of women. Fida is also co-founder of the fast-growing “Women in Business Arabia” network.

Mohammad SMADI

Vice President, Giant Industrial Group (GiG) - Moderator for the Jordan exports to the EU market session
Mohammad Smadi

Mohammad Smadi is currently a Vice President of Business Development at Giant Industrial Group (GiG). He holds a Master of Business Administration from the German Jordanian University. He is a Board Member of JEBA since 2022 and Board Member of SME’s Association in Jordan since 2021.


Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship - Speaker for the Connectivity & Digital Session Panel Discussion
Ahmad Hanandeh

HE Ahmad Hanandeh is the Jordanian Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship, since October 2020, where he overseas the development of Jordan's ICT and digital infrastructure and the state's mandate to grow the digital economy. 



Minister of Energy & Mineral Resources - Panelist for the Green Growth & Renewable Energy Session Panel Discussion

HE Saleh Al-Kharabsheh is the Jordanian Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources. He holds a PhD degree from the University of Florida in 2003. He worked as adviser at the UNDP and as a Secretary General for the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation in 2009.


Jordanian-European National Workshop on Green Hydrogen

Highlighting Jordan's significant potential for green hydrogen production through local renewable energy projects.

See video


EU Investment Study in Jordan 2021

A mapping exercise showing that a sample of 80 European companies operating in the country have a combined annual turnover of around €2,5 billion, pay close to €230 million annually in corporate tax, and contribute to 22,000 direct and indirect jobs.

You want to know more? Download the report


Seed breeding company operating in Jordan for more than 20 years

Improved resilient seed varieties suitable local conditions are essential for farmers to sustainably produce healthy food. This is especially the case in the harsh water scarce Jordanian climate, affected by climate change. More than 20 years ago, Dutch company Rijk Zwaan decided to choose Jordan as the location for their representative office for the MENA region. Several drivers informed this decision. Jordan has relatively easy and clear regulations for businesses with regard to registration and operation. Another reason is the conducive Mediterranean climate of Jordan which helps us do trials for our vegetable seeds during 4 seasons throughout the year.

Learn more more about Rijk Zwaan

Tips & Tricks

Dear Guests,

Welcome to Jordan!

We are delighted to extend our warmest greetings to you as a participant in the upcoming first European Union-Jordan Business Forum (EUJBF) that will take place on the 11th of June 2024, at the Four Seasons Hotel in Amman. Your presence and participation are highly valued, and we are eager to ensure that your experience at the event is both productive and enjoyable.



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