Since first beginning in 1985, the European Film Festival (EUFF) has grown into one of the largest and most popular film festivals in the world. With its unique format, showing films throughout the year in different locations and combining them with cinematic side events, the EUFF projects the latest in contemporary European cinema and culture on to a worldwide silver screen.

Contemporary European cinema

Thanks to a carefully curated programme in a range of styles and languages, film buffs all over the world can experience remarkable European cinema. Film fans may choose to attend in-person or on-line screenings.

The EUFF library of films is supplied with subtitles to be enjoyed by the most diverse audiences possible. While local languages are gladly supported, cinema speaks to us through the universal language of art.

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    An audience of hundreds at a lakeside screening for EUFF.
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    Hundreds gather at the opening night of the EUFF in Thailand.

Cinematic cultural diplomacy

The programme creates cultural exchanges on values prevalent in the culture of the EU 27 such as diversity, inclusivity, LGBTQ+ rights, human rights and more.

As EU Ambassador to Burundi, Elisabetta Pietrobon, says of the EUFF, ‘The film festival is one of the EU Delegation to Burundi's most successful public diplomacy events. The event is a clear and concrete proof that the EU is an important supporter of Burundi’s short films industry.’

Meanwhile, in Ecuador, the Head of Political and Press Section at the Delegation of the European Union, Denis Daniilidis, describes the EUFF as ‘A key and unique opportunity to work with young audiences in order to promote dialogue, co-creation and reflection on key topics that are relevant to the EU and Ecuador: peace, liberty, solidarity, human rights, unity, diversity, gender equality.

EUFF side-events

Side events related to the film festival are engaging local communities in different ways and are increasingly becoming a key part in the EUFF.

Side events are arranged to engage with local communities on the shared love of cinema. Events such as masterclasses, workshops and schools events are very popular all over the world.

Open discussions on common topics of interest and creative challenges help people to forge connections while underscoring the importance of freedom of expression and artistic freedom.

Some examples about upcoming and recent side events from the EUFF festivals from around the world include:

  • Chad (1-8 December 2023): Cinéma itinérant, a workshop on script development, and pitching sessions contribute to nurturing the local film industry.
  • India (29 November - 10 December 2023): Masterclasses in universities engage Indian audiences in insightful discussions with film industry experts.
  • Mexico (17 November - 3 December 2023): Coproduction workshop, a short film contest and a EUFF tie-in to the International Book fair of Guadalajara
  • Cambodia (22-29 February 2024): Film director masterclass for students and insightful director talks.

Additional events will take place in the spring and autumn 2024.

The European Film Festival (EUFF) is supported by the Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI) who are putting European foreign policy in to action. Follow the link to learn more about the FPI.

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    A group of film fans gathers on state at the festive EUFF opening with bunting and confetti..